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中煤学会综合〔2016〕3号各专业(工作)委员会、省(区、市)煤炭学会、团体会员单位:为贯彻中国科协关于加强会员管理,提高服务水平和中国煤炭学会七大关于面向会员开展各项服务的精神,进一步扩大学会会员队伍,完善会员管理体制,做好会员工作,经研究,开展第二次会员普查工作,现将有关事项通知如下。一、会员条件凡拥护本会章程,自愿申请加入本会,按规定 China Coal Association comprehensive [2016] 3 of the professional (work) committee, the province (autonomous regions and municipalities) Coal Institute, the group member units: In order to implement the China Association for science and technology on strengthening member management, improve service standards and the China Coal Institute Members to carry out the spirit of various services to further expand the membership of the Institute, improve the membership management system, do a good job in membership work, after the study, to carry out the second member census, the relevant matters are notified as follows. First, the membership conditions Where the support of the constitution, voluntarily apply to join this Council, according to the regulations
。f呋州珏/,。}I|IB下小雨,韩 ’/、s:练字。 ///,惫以石当纸@佩韦@杨社伟 . f. }I|IB light rain, South Korea’/, s: calligraphy. ///, Take the Stone as Paper @ Pei
help的基本意思为“帮助”。作名词表示泛指,为不可数名词;表示具体的有帮助的人或事,其前可用冠词a.例如: The basic meaning of help is “help.” A noun is a general
雁阵照例横空掠过,渐行渐远,只余下棉絮状纯朴的阴云,空衬出天空的寂寥。也有趺落的一两声惊啸,闪电样短暂,消失 Goose array as usual swept across the sky, drifting awa
绿树成荫的沿口初中位于四川省武胜县。沿口初中在“办特色学校,育创新人才”理念指导下,以“物 The tree-lined Yankou Junior High School is located in Wusheng County
轰轰烈烈的造车计划戛然而止,发力擎感I.P.D.A和车联网前装市场,他沉着转身陈宁陈国章尽管在2015年4月的上海车展上,“大白”——智能汽车Project N,如约出现,但这一年,应宜
全日制普通高级中学教科书(试验本)数学第二册上(必修)P143例3是:斜率为1的直线经过抛物线y2=4x的焦点,与抛物线相交于两点A、B,求线段AB的长. 解答过程见课本,此处从略. 若
I have an interesting experience. Do you want to share it with me?Last term,I took part in “Holiday Team” .One Saturday in the winter holidays, we were going