加大力度 探索创新 推动行政诉讼监督工作全面发展

来源 :人民检察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bascin
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近年来,湖北省检察机关深刻认识行政诉讼监督对于维护司法公正、促进依法行政、全面依法治国的重大意义,以非同寻常的力度改进薄弱环节,以改革创新的办法解决突出问题,有效推动了行政诉讼监督工作全面发展。2012年至2014年,全省共办理行政诉讼监督案件3514件,提出行政抗诉81件、再审检察建议164件、检察建议2688件,同比分别增长9.6倍、1.7倍、9.25倍、29.5倍。抗诉案件 In recent years, the procuratorial organs in Hubei Province have a profound understanding of the great significance of administrative lawsuit supervision in safeguarding judicial fairness, promoting administration according to law and administering the country in accordance with the law in an all-round way, improving the weak links with unusual efforts, resolving prominent problems with reform and innovation, and effectively promoting Administrative litigation supervision has been fully developed. From 2012 to 2014, the province handled 3,514 cases of administrative litigation, filed 81 administrative protests, 164 proposals for retrial and procuratorial work, and 2,688 procuratorial proposals, up 9.6 times, 1.7 times, 9.25 times and 29.5 times respectively year on year. Protest cases
(一)AWhen I opened the first“Body Shop”in 1976 my on-ly object was to earn enough to feed my children.Today“The Body Shop”is an international company rapid
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<正> 非中心化(Decentering)思潮是当代西方哲学中一股值得重视的思潮。活跃在今日西方哲学舞台上的后结构主义、后现代主义、解构主义、“微型哲学”、反哲学等潮流都是这一思潮的组成部分,或者与这一思潮有着本质联系。这一点只要看一看占据当今众多思想家思想的诸如“决裂”、“破坏”、“毁灭”、“解构”、“摧毁”、“差异”、“分延”、“消解”、“分散”等等词汇就清楚了。不仅如此,非中心化思潮今天已漫过纯哲学的围墙,渗透到西方政治经济、思想文化、文学艺术等各个领域,影响日益增大。