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阿坝铝厂的建设,是民族地区今日创业人谱写的一曲科技兴厂凯歌! ——我们仅用2年又50天就完成了一期工程年产5400吨普通铝锭的建设任务,比原设计工期提前130多天,节省投资69.7万元,并一次焙烧启动成功,试产27天产量、质量、电流效率等主要技术经济指标就达到设计要求,受到四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州人民政府的通令嘉奖,嘉奖令中称阿坝铝厂“为我州建设管理较大工程项目积累了成功经验”。 ——我们用不到3年的时间,完成了8600吨普通铝的扩建和3000吨合金铝锭、3000吨铝型材的新产品开发任务,从而使吨铝静态投资下降3750元,成本下降384.89元,大大增强了企业的竞争能力。 The construction of the Aba Aluminum Plant is a science and technology-producing factory song written by entrepreneurs in ethnic regions today! ——We completed the construction task of the first-phase project with an annual output of 5400 tons of ordinary aluminum ingots in only 2 years and 50 days. It was more than 130 days ahead of the original design period, and saved investment of 697,000 yuan. The first time the roasting started successfully. The main technical and economic indicators such as output, quality, and current efficiency for 27 days reached the design requirements. They were commended by the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture People’s Government of Sichuan Province. The awarding order stated that Aba Aluminum “accumulated for the construction and management of large projects in our state. success experience". ——In less than three years, we completed the task of developing new products for the expansion of 8,600 tons of ordinary aluminum and 3,000 tons of alloy aluminum ingots and 3,000 tons of aluminum profiles. As a result, the static investment per ton of aluminum decreased by 3,750 yuan and the cost decreased by 384.89 yuan. , greatly enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
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