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青政办[2014]43号各市、自治州人民政府,省政府各委、办、厅、局:《2014年全省政府系统廉政建设主要任务分工意见》已经省政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。2014年3月15日2014年全省政府系统廉政建设主要任务分工意见为认真贯彻落实省政府第二次廉政工作会议精神,明确责任和工作要求,确保今年政府系统 Office of the People’s Government of Each City and Prefecture, Office, Office and Bureau of Qing Government Office [2014] No. 43: Views on Division of Labor Major Tasks of the System Construction of the Whole Province in 2014 Have the Consent of Provincial Government Now Issued to You, Please Conscientiously implement. March 15, 2014 The main tasks of the system construction of the province’s government in 2014 The division of labor The views To conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial government second clean government meeting, a clear responsibility and job requirements to ensure that this year the government system
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