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本刊讯中国法学会行政法研究会8月12日在宁夏银川召开年会。会议认为,随着我国经济体制改革目标的最终确立和政治体制改革的深入开展,我国行政法制建设发生了重大变化。改革开放以来,我国行政法制在反思传统人治观念的基础上逐步树立起的法治观念,使行政法制建设发生了重大变化,主要表现为:法治观念强化,行政权力结构的调整从重权力、轻权利向权力和 The Journal of Law Society of China Administrative Law Research Association on August 12 held an annual meeting in Yinchuan, Ningxia. The meeting held that with the final establishment of the goal of China’s economic reform and the in-depth reform of the political system, significant changes have taken place in the building of China’s administrative legal system. Since the reform and opening up, our country’s administrative legal system gradually established the concept of the rule of law on the basis of rethinking the concept of the traditional rule of man and made major changes in the construction of the administrative legal system. The main manifestations are as follows: the concept of the rule of law has been strengthened and the structure of administrative power has been adjusted from heavy power to light right Power and
No 1 TheAchievementsandPropectsofChineseSpacecraftEngineeringXuFuxiang ( 1 )……………………… AdaptiveBacksteppingControlBasedAutopilotDesignforReentryVehicl
金秋十月,全民同庆。具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义的党的十六届三中全会刚落下帷幕,又传来令人振奋的欢欣的喜讯:我国首次载人航天飞船“神舟”五号,成功地升腾太空,成功地变轨遨游,成功地回归着陆。  中华民族自古就有美丽诱人的“奔月”传说和“飞天”梦想。首次载人航天的成功,使中华民族几千年的梦想开始成为现实。这是一件值得自豪的盛事,中华儿女为之荣耀,举世为之赞叹。  载人航天飞行必须具有世界先进水
中国航天科技集团有关单位日前致信包头稀土研究院,衷心感谢该院长期以来对我国航天事业的关心、帮助和支持。 感谢信中说,中国载人航天事业所取得的成就,不但是党中央、国
Building a satellite launch center in China’s southern island of Hainan is “just a matter of time, given the huge commercial benefits it will deliver, lawmake
China plans to send a robot to the moon In the mid-2020s, more than 50 years after man first sethis foot on lunar soil. China is pursuing a three-stage program