Hypertension is an important issue in Singapore, first of all because it is prevalent, and secondly it is the leading risk factor most likely to cause death and certain serious illnesses such as atherosclerotic disease, especially cerebrovascular and coronary heart disease . A survey of hypertension in Singapore from 1974 to 1975 showed that 14% of adults over the age of 20 were confirmed to have hypertension (systolic> 160 and / or diastolic> 95) and 11% to marginal hypertension (systolic blood pressure 150 ~ 159 and / or diastolic blood pressure 90 ~ 94). Like most social groups, the prevalence of hypertension in Singapore increases with age, with a 5% incidence of hypertension at 20-29 years and 40% at> 60 years. Hypertensive men and women parallel with age