时代使命 千秋大业——新疆维吾尔自治区党委副书记、新疆生产建设兵团司令员金云辉答本刊记者问

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举世闻名的新疆生产建设兵团已经走过了40年光辉的历程.220万共和国的优秀儿女在新疆营造了一项伟大的事业;时至改革开放的当代,在新的历史条件下,兵团将怎样走向更为辉煌的境界,将如何完成时代赋予她的全新使命?为此,本刊记者采访了新疆维吾尔自治区党委副书记、新疆生产建设兵团司令员金云辉。记者:自小平同志南方讲话之后,兵团在深化改革、扩大开放方面有什么新成就?金司令员:小平同志南方重要谈话以来,我们在全兵团广泛开展了解放思想、更新观念和奔市场、奔小康的大讨论,从而对兵团改革开放中的若干重大问题形成了共识,明确了兵团的改革目标,制定了改革措施,通过努力。在深化改革和扩大开放方面取得了一些进展.第一,从根本上改变了兵团传统的、单一的全民所有制经营模式及统得过死的管理体制,正在形成以公有制为主体、全民、集体、个体经济全方位发展的新格局;推行了各种形式的联产承包责任制;在对内搞活、对外开放、发展商品生产、加快建立社会主义市场经济体制方面迈出了坚定步伐。第二,农牧团场改革进一步深化,双层经营机制进一步巩固完善。第二,工交建商企业改革力度进一步加大,开始进入转机建制的新阶段。第四,对外开放不断拓宽。兵团已先后与全国28个省、市、自治区开展了广泛的经济合 The world-famous Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has gone through 40 years of glorious history. The excellent children of 2.2 million republics have created a great cause in Xinjiang. From the time of the reform and opening up to the present, under the new historical conditions, how will the Corps To a more brilliant realm, how to complete the new mission entrusted by the times? To this end, correspondents interviewed Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Commander Jin Yunhui. Reporter: Since the speech by Comrade Xiaoping in the South, what achievements has been made by the Corps in deepening the reform and opening up? Jin Commander: Since Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important talk in the South, we have extensively conducted the emancipation of the mind, the renewal of concepts and the running of the market in Corps. Well-to-do debates, thus forming a consensus on a number of major issues in the Corps ’reform and opening up, defining the goal of Corps’ reform and formulating reform measures through hard work. Some progress has been made in deepening the reform and opening up.Firstly, the fundamental and fundamental change has been made in the Corps’ traditional and single management system of ownership by the whole people and an overly dead management system that is taking the public ownership as the mainstay and the entire people, collectives, The new pattern of all-round development of the individual economy, the implementation of various forms of the responsibility system for the co-production contract, the firm pace of invigorating the domestic economy, opening up to the outside world, developing the production of commodities, and accelerating the establishment of a socialist market economic system. Second, the reform of the rural herdsmen’s field further deepened and the double-deck management mechanism was further consolidated and improved. Second, the reform of industrial and commercial construction enterprises further intensified and began to enter a new phase of transitional establishment. Fourth, opening up continues to widen. Corps has successively carried out a wide range of economic cooperation with 28 provinces, cities and autonomous regions nationwide
“爱是人类最美的语言”,师爱更是如此,品读古今中外诸多教育名言,至今仍让人满口生津:  儒家经典《学记》认为,“亲其师,信其道”;人民教育家陶行知则倡导并践行了“捧着一棵心来,不带半根草去”的伟大教育信念;苏霍姆林斯基强调,“没有爱就没有教育”;关怀教育理论的倡导者诺丁斯更是认为,“教师应全身心地融入对学生的关怀中,教师对学生应该像母亲对子女那样,面对对方的需要,暂时地忘了自己,似乎对方就是自己”