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以喀斯特峰丛洼地的伊桐、侧柏和菜豆树3个原生林植物群落为对象,分析了土壤团聚体的组成、有机碳及其剖面分布.结果表明:3个植物群落的土壤分布均以>2mm大粒径团聚体为主,约占土壤团聚体总量的76%.土壤总有机碳含量介于12.73~68.66g.kg-1之间,群落类型显著影响土壤有机碳含量及其分布.<1mm小粒径团聚体中的有机碳含量比>2mm团聚体稍高,但大部分土壤有机碳储存在大粒径团聚体中,>2mm团聚体对土壤有机碳的贡献率约70%.2~5和5~8mm团聚体含量与土壤有机碳含量呈显著正相关.提高土壤中2~8mm团聚体的含量能有效增强喀斯特地区土壤固碳能力.伊桐群落2~8mm土壤团聚体的含量及其全土有机碳含量分别达46%和37.62g.kg-1,伊桐更适合作为喀斯特地区生态恢复树种. The composition of soil aggregates, organic carbon and its distribution in three primary forest communities of Itaedesia, Oriental Arborvitae and Beanbean in karst peak-depression area were analyzed. The results showed that the soil distribution of the three plant communities was > 2mm aggregates, accounting for about 76% of the total soil aggregates.The total organic carbon content of soil ranged from 12.73 to 68.66g.kg-1, and the community types significantly affected the content and distribution of soil organic carbon . <1mm aggregates of small size aggregates had a slightly higher content of organic carbon than> 2mm aggregates, but most of the soil organic carbon was stored in large aggregates, and the contribution of> 2mm aggregates to soil organic carbon was about 70% The content of aggregates in 2 ~ 5 and 5 ~ 8mm was positively correlated with the content of soil organic carbon, while increasing the content of 2 ~ 8mm aggregates in soil could effectively enhance the soil carbon sequestration in the Karst area. And its total organic carbon content reached 46% and 37.62g.kg-1, respectively. YT is more suitable for ecological restoration in karst areas.
褶皱往往被认为是挤压背景下的产物 ,但近10年来 ,伸展区的褶皱作用也被广泛发现。目前 ,对伸展区褶皱类型尚无统一认识 ,分类标准不一 ,称谓不一 ,如 :断展褶皱 (fault propagationfold ,Hardy等 ,199
洛阳石化总厂以加工中原和新疆原油为主 ,直馏喷气燃料通过碱洗工艺生产。由于所加工的原油中中原原油的比例大幅度增加 (达 60 %以上 ) ,所产喷气燃料的颜色不合格、赛氏比
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西藏南部定日地区遮普惹山向斜核部近来发现一套非碳酸盐型海相沉积 ,由黄绿色页岩含砂岩、紫红色砂页岩组成 ,总厚约 180 m,产丰富的钙质超微化石 ,时代属始新世中—晚期 (