In nursery nursery, take the method of cutting can promote the robust growth of nursery stock, and can be a balanced growth, improve nursery stock quality. Cutting the root of the benefits of the following points: 1. Cut off the main root, to promote the development of lateral fibrous roots; strengthen the ability to absorb water and absorb nutrients to improve the survival rate and growth .2 cut off the long roots, seedlings transplanted or colonized , To avoid the root curl problems, contribute to the future growth and quality of trees. 3. Cut roots can replace transplantation, save land, labor, work efficiency, easy to grasp. According to different purposes and different tree species, cutting seedlings are mainly used in the following aspects: First, cultivate walnuts, oaks, fruit trees and other deep-rooted seedlings in the spring of planting that year, take root-cutting measures to promote the development of lateral fibrous roots, Growth. Walnuts generally 10 days after emergence to half a month; oak when the seedlings grow 2-3 leaflets when the line cutting. Fruit trees are cut when the seedlings grow 10 cm. Cut the root depth to 10-15 cm is more appropriate. Generally more drought in spring, cut roots should be selected rainy days, when the soil is wet; or after filling with enough water. Walnut seedlings should be done