欲知稳压器技术 请来精达培训

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我厂是专业生产三相大容量电力稳压器的专业厂家。80年代中期,我厂参照国外先进技术,结合我国电网实际,精心研制成功具有国际先进水平的新一代节能型的稳压器——三相大容量自动补偿式电力稳压器。该稳压器具有高效率、低损耗、无波形畸变、稳压精度高、稳压范围宽、运行可靠安全、应变时间短等特点,并具有缺相、反相保护及延时装置。能适用一切需要电压稳定的场合,尤其适用于电压波动大、负载变动大的用电场所,是任何用电部门和引进设备稳压电源的理想产品。该产品因其独特的设计、可靠的性能和完善的售后服务赢得全国用户的信赖。1991年获北京国际博览会银奖。在参加1992年香港举办的首届中国得奖产品技术展览期间,深受香港有关人士的一致好评。该产品又是邮电部电信总局指定必配产品。鉴于产品大量地在各单位使用,邮电部电源维护中心委托我厂举办补偿式电力稳压器的技术培训班。为了让用户更全面更 Our factory is a professional manufacturer specializing in the production of three-phase large-capacity power regulators. In the mid-1980s, with reference to advanced foreign technology and our country’s power grid reality, our plant has successfully developed a new generation of energy-saving regulators that are internationally advanced. They are three-phase large-capacity self-compensating power regulators. The voltage regulator has the characteristics of high efficiency, low loss, no waveform distortion, high voltage regulation accuracy, wide voltage range, reliable and safe operation, and short strain time. It also has phase loss, reverse phase protection and delay devices. It can be applied to all occasions where voltage stability is required. It is especially suitable for places with high voltage fluctuations and large load fluctuations. It is an ideal product for any power department and the introduction of equipment power supply. This product has won the trust of the national users because of its unique design, reliable performance and perfect after-sales service. In 1991 won the Beijing International Expo Silver Award. In attending the first China’s award-winning product technology exhibition held in Hong Kong in 1992, it was highly praised by relevant people in Hong Kong. This product is also designated by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Telecommunications. In view of the large number of products used in various units, the Power Maintenance Center of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications commissioned our factory to hold a technical training course for compensating power regulators. To make users more comprehensive
陕西印刷机四厂是专门生产印刷机械的机电系统大型骨干企业。目前可以生产凹版印刷机械、凸版印刷机械、复合包装材料、瓦楞纸板等特种印刷机械4大类69种产品。 1992年与199
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