
来源 :法学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diaoyujiao
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1954年中国、印度和缅甸共同倡导了“互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处”的指导国际关系的五项原则.36年来,国际形势发生了巨大变化,但和平共处五项原则却经受了时间的考验,显示了强大的生命力.特别需要指出的是,每当国际政治风云和国际形势出现重大变化时,五项原则指导国际关系的积极意义就越显重要,越加得到很多国家的提倡.实践证明,五项原则不仅符合50年代和60年代国际形势的需要,而且对于指导当今国际关系,特别是建立公平合理、符合各国人民利益的国际政治和经济新秩序具有伟大意义.五项原则不仅是一般的国际关系准则,而且是国际法准则,是保障国际和平与发展的重要国际法基本原则. In 1954, China, India and Myanmar jointly advocated the five principles guiding international relations: “mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful coexistence.” For 36 years, the international situation has taken place Great changes have taken place, but the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have stood the test of time and demonstrated their great vitality. What is especially to be pointed out is that whenever the international political situation and the international situation undergo major changes, the five principles guide the active development of international relations The more significance it is and the more it is advocated by many countries. Practice has proved that the five principles are not only in line with the needs of the international situation in the 1950s and 1960s, but also have great significance in guiding the current international relations, in particular, in establishing fairness and justice and in the interest of all the people of the world. The new international political and economic order is of great significance, and the Five Principles are not only general norms of international relations but also norms of international law and are fundamental principles of an important international law guaranteeing international peace and development.
<正> 本病在《诸病源候论》中称之为“睢目”。《目经大成》中称之为“睑废”,是临床中比较少见的小儿疾病。上胞下垂发病有先后天之分,先天者,常由发育不全引起;后天者,多因
80年代中期,莫言用他优美的语调为我们渲染了一个“红高粱”的世界,他笔下的高密东北乡有着荒原般的记忆,带着“种的退化”的忧患讲述着那段血色浸染的故事。 In the mid-19
【正】 1984年初,固始县陈集乡大王村农民余保珠在挖菜园时发现一块金币,献给国家,受到县文物部门的奖励。郢爰是春秋战国时楚国的货币。因是在楚国都城——郢(今湖北江陵县