Enclosure Fire-induced Temperature: Review and Model Modification for Horizontal Vented Space

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcysun618
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Correlations of fire-induced temperature have been reviewed and revisited.The impact of XY factors,i.e.,the relative locations of the fire source and vent,on temperature models of ceiling-vented compartments could be reflected by the exponents of the two dimensionless terms which represent the ratio of the total energy to energy released through the ceiling vent,and the ratio of the energy lost through the walls to the energy released through the ceiling vent.For fires not located directly below the ceiling vent,the temperature rise was proportional to two thirds of the power of the heat release rate,while for fires immediately beneath this vent,the temperature rise was proportional to four thirds the power of the heat release rate,and was inversely proportional to one sixth the power of the ceiling vent size. Correlations of fire-induced temperature have been reviewed and revisited. The impact of XY factors, ie, the relative locations of the fire source and vent, on temperature models of ceiling-vented compartments could be reflected by the exponents of the two dimensionless terms which represent the ratio of the total energy to energy released through the ceiling vent, and the ratio of the energy lost through the walls to the energy released through the ceiling vent. For fires not located directly below the ceiling vent, the temperature rise was proportional to two thirds of the power of the heat release rate, while for fires immediately beneath this vent, the temperature rise was proportional to four thirds the power of the heat release rate, and was inversely proportional to one sixth the power of the ceiling vent size.
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