早中孕期Pierre Robin序列征胎儿舌下垂的超声诊断

来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sincerity01
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Objective: This study was undertaken to describe the sonographic features of fetal glossoptosis in the Pierre Robin sequence. Study design: Fetal sonography was prospectively performed in 8000 consecutive pregnancies at 14 to 24 weeks’gestation. In addition we retrospectively reevaluated ultrasound recordings of 4 fetuses from other hospitals, in which the diagnosis of Pierre Robin sequence was overlooked at 22 weeks’gestation. Glossoptosis was defined as a posteriorly displaced tongue that never reached the anterior mandibular alveolar ridge while watching the fetal profile. Micrognathia, which is a component of the sequence, was subjectively defined. Results: Glossoptosis with micrognathia was detected in 2 fetuses in the prospective group at 14 and 15 weeks’gestation. Both pregnancies were terminated; the diagnosis was confirmed in 1 case where postmortem examination was performed. There were no false-negative diagnoses in the other 7998 fetuses. Glossoptosis and micrognathia were observed in the 4 retrospective cases. Conclusion: Sonographic identification of glossoptosis with fetal micrognathia suggests the possibility of Pierre Robin sequence. Objective: This study was undertaken to describe the sonographic features of fetal glossoptosis in the Pierre Robin sequence. Study design: Fetal sonography was prospectively performed in 8000 consecutive pregnancies at 14 to 24 weeks’gestation. In addition we retrospectively reevaluated ultrasound recordings of 4 fetuses from other hospitals, in which the the diagnosis of Pierre Robin sequence was overlooked at 22 weeks’gestation. Glossoptosis was defined as a displaced posteriorly that that had reached the anterior mandibular alveolar ridge while watching the fetal profile. Micrognathia, which is a component of the sequence, was subjectively defined. Results: Glossoptosis with micrognathia was detected in 2 fetuses in the prospective group at 14 and 15 weeks’gestation. Both pregnancies were terminated; the diagnosis was confirmed in 1 case where postmortem examination was performed. There were no false -negative diagnoses in the other 7998 fetuses. Glossoptosis and micrognathia were o bserved in the 4 retrospective cases. Conclusion: Sonographic identification of glossoptosis with fetal micrognathia suggests the possibility of Pierre Robin sequence.
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