Mechanical Properties of Laminated Aluminum-Based Plates with Gradient Interface

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldw521
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Two laminated composites, 2024/3003 and 7075/6009 aluminum alloys were prepared by double-stream-pouring continuous casting (DSPCC) followed by plastic deformation and heat treatment. The interface characteristics between the external and internal layers of the composites in the as-cast and plastic deformation conditions were analyzed. The results show that the macrostructure difference between the external and internal layers of both composite ingots in the as-cast condition can be clearly clarified but the gradient interfaces are not distinct. However, the macro-scale gradient layers can be demonstrated from the hardness distribution in the cross sections of the composite ingots. After plastic deformation, the gradient characteristic of the interface in the laminated composites maintains except for the decrease in the interface thickness. After plastic deformation and T6 heat treatment, the ultimate strength, yield strength and elongation of 2024/3003 composite plate are 2.35, 3.10 and 0.9 times of that of 3003 aluminum alloy, respectively. The ultimate strength and yield strength of 7075/6009 composite plate increase 47 % and 82 % of that of 6009 aluminum alloy, respectively and the elongation of the composite is still as high as 15.3 %. Two laminated composites, 2024/3003 and 7075/6009 aluminum alloys were prepared by double-stream-pouring continuous casting (DSPCC) followed by plastic deformation and heat treatment. The interface characteristics between the external and internal layers of the composites in the as- cast and plastic deformation conditions were analyzed. The results show that the macrostructure difference between the external and internal layers of both composite ingots in the as-cast condition can be clearly clarified but the gradient interfaces are not distinct. However, the macro-scale gradient layers can be demonstrated from the hardness distribution in the cross sections of the composite ingots. after plastic deformation, the gradient characteristic of the interface in the laminated composites except for the decrease in the interface thickness. ultimate strength, yield strength and elongation of 2024/3003 composite plate are 2.35, 3.10 a nd 0.9 times of that of 3003 aluminum alloy, respectively. The ultimate strength and yield strength of 7075/6009 composite plate increase 47% and 82% of that 6009 aluminum alloy, respectively and the elongation of the composite is still as high as 15.3 %.
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