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在经济全球化进一步深入、社会转型加速推进、公民权利意识日益强化、社会矛盾和冲突不断增加的背景下,加强和创新社会管理,构建社会稳定为上、民本民生为上的社会治理新格局是中央深刻分析国内外形势,适应我国经济社会科学发展、安全发展需要确定的一项重大战略任务。一、创新社会管理体制机制的重要性和紧迫性社会管理创新是实现更好、更快发展,社会安定有序的必然要求,作为新的时代课题,社会管理创新日益凸显其挑战性、紧迫性。1.加强和创新社会管理,是适应社会发展新特征新变化的时代命题。社会转型时期,各种思想相互激荡,利益格局加 Under the background of deepening economic globalization, accelerating social transformation, increasing awareness of civil rights, and increasing social conflicts and conflicts, it is necessary to strengthen and innovate social management and establish a new pattern of social governance with social stability as the basis and people’s livelihood as the foundation It is a major strategic task for the Central Government to profoundly analyze the situation at home and abroad, and to meet the needs of China’s economic and social sciences and the need for its safe development. I. Importance and Urgency of Innovating Social Management System and Mechanism Social management innovation is a necessary requirement for achieving better and faster development and social stability and order. As a new issue of the times, social management innovation has increasingly highlighted its challenges and urgency . 1. Strengthening and innovating social management is an epoch of the times to adapt to the new changes in new characteristics of social development. In the period of social transformation, all kinds of ideas stirred up with each other and the pattern of interests was added
一、对过去的回顾 我国网球运动在党和国家领导人的关怀与支持下,在国家体委正确领导下,抓住机遇,深化改革,继1990年成立半实体性质的网球办公室实施领导机构改革后,于1994
Taking into consideration short-atomic-range interactions and anharmonic effects,we calculate the thermal expansion coefficients,Gruneisen parameters,the elasti
学校德育工作是培养一代新人的重要工作。但一段时期以来的实践证明,我们的德育工作成效还不大明显,甚至在德育工作的几个关键点上还存在误区。因此,我们必须充分认识学生 M
一、专(译)著 1.中国地质科学院562综合大队主编,地质力学所、河北地质学院参加编制,中国构造体系与地震图 (1:400万),地图出版社,1979年(获部科技成果三等奖)。 2.徐景文、