
来源 :航空标准化与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolcool2
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航空工业组合夹具的应用与发展至今已有 30多年。 30多年来 ,组合夹具专业的技术水平有了明显提高 ,夹具元件基本上实现了标准化和系列化 ,并正在向组装智能化发展。目前航空工业系统已制定和修订组合夹具元器件航标 776项。组合夹具及其元器件的管理也逐步走向规范化、科学化。据悉 ,航空工业系统大多数单位对组合夹具的使用都制定有相应的管理制度 ,有的单位在学习邯钢经验后还推出了组合夹具的有偿使用制度。为进一步推动组合夹具的创新与发展 ,现将南方公司罗广源副总工程师在今年 5月份中国航空航天工具协会航空夹具专业委员会召开的组合夹具应用与发展经验交流会上的发言摘要刊出 ,供读者参考 Application and development of the aviation industry fixture has been more than 30 years. Over the past 30 years, the technical level of the modular fixture has been significantly improved. The fixture components have basically been standardized and serialized, and are being developed to an intelligent assembly. Currently, the aviation industry system has formulated and revised 776 buoy components of composite jigsaws. The management of combination fixtures and their components and parts has gradually become standardized and scientific. It is reported that most units of the aviation industry system for the use of the combination of fixtures have developed a corresponding management system, and some units also learned after the experience of Handan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. also introduced a system of paid use of combination fixtures. In order to further promote the innovation and development of the modular fixture, the deputy chief engineer Luo Guangyuan from the southern company now presents a summary of the speeches at the exchange meeting on the application and development of composite fixtures held by the China Aviation and Aerospace Engineering Association Aviation Fixture Committee in May this year for readers reference
本文利用B样函数构造半正交小波基,并利用对偶系设计了具有严格线性相位和精确重建特性的FIR滤波器组,将其应用于遥感图象的数据压缩,取得了良好的成果 In this paper, the B-like
前言 许多空中交通管制专业人员(ATCS)按所谓“2—2—1”的逆时针轮班时间表或其变异时间表工作,“2—2—1”时间表一个工作周内包括从两个下午班到两个上午班,最后轮值午夜
1993年11月21日,国务院办公厅发布了修订的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(以下简称修订稿)。 下面是我们粗浅的学习体会,抛砖引玉,求教于大方。 一、修订稿为明确公文处理的