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考试结果出来了,很不好,一下子跌出了年组前20名,这史无前例的失败令我窒息——初三的考试不允许失败。而天空也飘起细雨,一丝一丝,一滴一滴,让我那颗本已没有温度的心愈加寒冷。走在回家的路上,感觉周围的所有霓虹闪烁都与我无关,而我,原本是很喜欢那种微黄的灯光的,尤其在雨中,更是高贵,神秘,浪漫。我拖着沉重的步伐,脚没有方向,视线也没有方向,我不想回家,不想挨骂。目光游走,想找个能让我暂时忘掉痛苦的地方。在一个路口转弯后,—对年轻的男女映入了我的眼帘,他们靠得很近,步伐从容,令我略感有趣的是他们头顶的那把伞,伞倒是很普通,只是伞柄,在两个人的手中来回交换,从而那把浅蓝色的伞也跳起了欢快的舞。“多有情趣,真会浪漫呢!”我对自己说,但心中还是那样的沉重,没有一丝的减轻。忽然,他们俩停了下来,面对面,好像在深情对望,男的嘴角在嚅动,应该是在跟女友说悄悄话吧!两个人又转 The results of the exam came out, and it was very bad. All of a sudden they fell out of the top 20 of the annual group. This unprecedented failure made me suffocate - the exam of the third grade cannot be allowed to fail. The sky was also dripping with drizzle, a hint of a bit, a drop, so that my heart has become colder. Walking on the way home, I feel that all the neon flashes around me have nothing to do with me, but I originally liked the kind of yellowish light, especially in the rain, even more noble, mysterious and romantic. I dragged a heavy pace, the feet have no direction, there is no direction of sight, I do not want to go home, do not want to scold. Look away and try to find a place where I can temporarily forget the pain. After a turn at an intersection, the young men and women came into my eyes. They were very close and calm. What made me a little bit more interesting was the umbrella on top of their heads. The umbrellas were ordinary, just umbrella handles. In the hands of two people exchanged back and forth, so that the light blue umbrella also danced cheerfully. “There is a lot of fun, it will be romantic!” I said to myself, but my heart was still so heavy, without a trace of relief. Suddenly, the two of them stopped and face each other, as if they were looking at each other with affection. The man’s mouth was twirling, and he should be talking quietly with his girlfriend!
1IntroductionThe dyeing and finishing process is animportant step in textile processing,which makes great contribution to theadded-value of textile and garment
一.前言 因1997年7月的货币危机而大幅度衰退的印尼经济进入21世纪后似乎稍有好转,但许多人认为印尼的前景比其他东盟国家暗淡。 2000年泰国等受货币危机影响较大的国家也出
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以中国电力工业为例提出一种算法 ,以解决随机前沿面模型中的计算问题 .通过Matlab语言采用最大似然估计法对随机前沿面模型中的σ和λ进行了估计 ,进而通过计算得到了部分省
我国加入WTO后 ,国外各大承包商将进入我国的国内市场 ,无疑在新的层面上加剧了建筑企业的竞争。我国建筑企业要尽快培育核心竞争力 ,提高战略管理能力。一、企业核心竞争力核心
两把菜刀摆在你面前,张小泉和双立人。  张小泉创建于1663年,66道工序,曾被列为贡品;1915年在巴拿马万国博览会上得过银奖,还是唯一被评为国家驰名商标的刀剪类商品,是名副其实的中国百年品牌。双立人创建于1731年,也是1915年,双立人在旧金山世界博览会上独揽四项大奖,是如假包换的德国百年品牌。  如今的张小泉亦步亦趋地走在先人开拓的路上,材料不变,工序不变,款式不变,视之为“百年传承的工匠