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  新课程引领下,江苏省十三市初中毕业英语学业考试(中考) 在试卷结构、考试内容以及考试要求等方面均作了适当调整,变化最大的是增加了一些具有语境的应用型试题,意在指向以培养学生英语运用能力为目标的英语新课程教学。如词汇部分,各地试卷均加大了对考生词汇产出性知识的考查力度。目前十三市中考试卷中有关词汇的测试题型主要有单词拼写、词形转换和短文(对话)填词等,每个考查的单词都出现在有意义的句子或短文中,这说明了中考词汇题在关注词汇宽度测试的同时,也越来越注重词汇的深度测试。
  第一部分 解题策略
  [例1] (2009常州市)What he said was already __________(记录) by the police.
  评析:record的核心意思为“记载,录音”。有中文“记录”意思的单词短语很多,如note,enter,write down等,但根据句意,他说的话被警察记录,结合常识,可推断此处所做记录应作凭据之用,和文字以及录音都有关联。该题把对动词用法的考查巧妙地设置在考生所熟悉的语境中,不但能看出考生是否知道测试的单词,而且还考查了形式和拼写。
  [例2](2010黄冈市)In __________(纪念) of the people who lost their lives in Yushu earthquake, people place flowers beside a building destroyed.
  [例3](2009苏州市)I don’t think Aunt Wu would mind __________(take) care of our children while we’re away.
  评析:mind作及物动词使用时,后面常常接名词或相当于名词的动名词,也可接“that”从句。根据mind一词在句子中的语法功能,在本句中其后应接能充当宾语的相当于名词的词类,因此所给动词应使用v ing的形式。
  [例4] (2010潍坊市) Many teenagers would like to s__________ their photos or articles with others on the Internet.
  评析:本题根据would like to do sth.的语法特征,即可对所考单词的词性做出正确判断。这里应填入动词且为原形。
  在某一语法型式下两个或多个词(特别是名词、动词、形容词和副词) 的反复共现又可称为搭配,即该词常常会和哪些词用在一起。搭配是一个词所处的最常见和典型的环境。它不只关注实词与虚词(如介词)之间的搭配,更要重视实词与实词的搭配关系。确定词形还包括建立起它的音与形的正确联系,知道它的书写形式,并能正确拼写。
  [例5] (2009盐城市)Yancheng Science and Technology Museum, opened in May, is a wonderful place for children. It is well w__________ visiting.
  评析:本题未考查worth的语法特征,即通常用在动词to be之后,其后接名词、代词、数词或动词的-ing形式,而是将现实生活中的真实事件融入语境中考查对worth单词的掌握情况。此题的突破口是well,该词作副词“很、非常”解释时,通常只和worth,aware等一起出现。因此,根据句意和worth一词的共现特征,答案很快就一目了然了。
  [例6](2009徐州市)I’m __________(true) sorry I can’t go to the park with you. I have a lot to do this afternoon.
  评析:能和sorry一起出现的副词并不是完全开放的,而是有所选择的,常出现的有truly,really, terribly 等,这是由sorry的意义和人们的使用习惯所决定的。因此,利用共现特征或搭配知识能既快捷又准确地写出正确单词。
  [例7](2010盐城市)We are planning to go on a t__________ to Expo 2010 Shanghai during the coming holidays.
  评析:首字母为“t”,意思为“旅行、游历”的英语单词有trip,travel,tour,但三个单词在使用时都有限制,不同的词适用于不同的场合。如英语中一般很少用a travel, go on a tour 后常接of而不是to,a trip 通常指短程的旅行,go on a trip 还常表示有组织和准备的游玩。从此句中We are planning可知说话人表达的是已列入计划且目的地很明确的旅行,因此,本题最恰当的答案应是trip。
  [例8](2010河北省) Steven __________(参加) the school dancing club last year.
  评析:club作为名词,常规译作“俱乐部、社团”,与其搭配使用的形容词有top,local,social,youth,sports等;动词及短语有join,belong to,become a member of,start,form,run等。因此,根据线索词club和last year可断定,这里的表达“参加”之意的单一动词应为“join”,且为该词的过去式。
  第二部分 应试技巧
  在理解语境意义和分析句子结构的前提下,思考所定词汇的潜在形式及其派生词,将形式(书面形式和词类) 、词义( 概念意义和联想意义) 和使用(语法行为、搭配、使用频率、得体性等)相结合。
  4. 聚焦答题审核过程的精细
  1. His laziness makes it impossible for him to a__________ success.
  2. The fat man fell a__________ shortly after the film began.
  3. Many people complained about the b__________ of some fans who were drunk and loud.
  4. The young man held his b__________ as the tiger walked nearer to him.
  5. You have a c__________ - you can stay here on your own or you can come with us.
  6. The d__________ in temperature between the day and the night here is thirty degrees.
  7. As we all know, children should have a happy e__________ at school.
  8. There was a traffic accident in this street,but no one was h.
  9. We’ve been h__________ for the lost boy all over.
  10. It was my younger brother who i__________ me to jazz.
  11. The girl was so n__________ about her exams that she couldn’t sleep.
  12. It wasn’t very p__________ of you to serve yourself without asking.
  13. These books will p__________ us with all the information we need.
  14. It is r__________ in the newspaper that twenty men were killed in the accident.
  15. His illness was more s__________ than the doctor first thought.
  1. The __________ of plane caused a revolution in our ways of travelling.(发明)
  2. It is said that he has a habit of telling __________ stories. (幽默的)
  3. There is an important __________ for you from your brother. (消息)
  4. We have a growing __________ and therefore we need more food.(人口)
  5. I’ve got so much __________ on my desk. It’s unbelievable.(垃圾)
  6. A number of his friends had been affected in a __________ way.(相似的)
  7. A good __________ has no use for secrets.(科学家)
  8. The __________ in New York dropped to minus 10°C last night.(温度)
  9. Many of them said they would __________ pay higher taxes for better health care.(情愿地)
  10. Go __________ down the road and then turn left.(一直地)
  11. Can you __________ to me a good dictionary?(推荐)
  12. You’ll just have to be __________ and wait till I’m off the phone.(有耐性的)
  13. When the big tree fell, it brought down two of its smaller .(邻居)
  14. We go to school to get __________ about many different things.(知识)
  15. He works in a bank, but his __________ is building model boats.(业余爱好)
  三、 根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。
  1. “How dare you take flowers from my garden!”he shouted .(angry)
  2. The __________ of living in California is that the weather is so good.(beautiful)
  3. To tell you the truth, this is the most __________ movie I have ever seen.(bore)
  4. The boy told me that he had had his radio __________ the day before. (repair)
  5. Everyone thought the trip to the Great Wall was a most __________ experience. (enjoy)
  6. Can you imagine him __________ in the maths test a second time?(fail)
  7. When she first came to London, she was newly __________ and out of work. (marry)
  8. Before you join the company, you will have to have a __________examination.(medicine)
  9. — Did you have a good time at Mary’s birthday party yesterday evening?
   — Yes, I enjoyed __________ very much. (me)
  10. My father is used to __________ up early every morning. (get)
  11. The doctor said that you should follow your __________ plenty of rest in bed.(treat)
  12. Women are questioning their __________ role in society, as wives and mothers.(tradition)
  13. That’s the __________ goal he’s kicked this season.(twenty)
  14. The coat is so dirty that it needs .(wash)
  15. Beijing lies in the __________ part of China. (north)
  1. Your __________(the state of being able to do something) to do something is the fact that you can do it.
  2. The man was __________(unable to see) in one eye after the illness.
  3. After the storm the sea became __________(peaceful,without large waves) again.
  4. ’The meal was really __________(very pleasant to taste or smell),she said politely.
  5. The more the young students worked,the more __________(having a lot of energy) they became.
  6. You can hold the snake,it’s __________(not causing any harm).
  7. You could use the money for __________(to make something better) your home.
  8. Don’t you feel __________(unhappy because you are alone) being on your own all day?
  9. The (most important) thing is to keep calm and don’t get angry.
  10. I can’t work in here because the children are far too __________(making a lot of noise).
  11. To our disappointment, the lake has been seriously __________(dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use).
  12. The teacher will __________(to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong) the children by making them stay after school.
  13. Do you __________(to know and understand something) you’re an hour late?
  14. “Oh,yes,”said Sebastian with great __________(the state of feeling sad). “I know. It’s hopeless. ”
  15. Can I have a glass of water? I’m really __________(feeling that you want or need a drink).
  Last year in June, we had a big party to celebrate my mum and dad’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We held the party at my sister’s (1) hand invited all the family and,of course, lots of my parents’ (2) f . A few of my good friends came as well.
  (3) Fmy cousin and I lit the barbecue. Then the people started coming and we served drinks. After that we started serving the food. Unfortunately,while I was (4) tto a friend I burnt the sausages!!
  My uncle Jim (5) sall evening taking photos. Dad was very funny. I’ll (6) nforget him dancing with mum to one of my heavy metal records. I had a really (7)gtime with all my friends.
  The party went on until really late. One of the neighbours came to complain about the noise, (8) bin the end she came in and had a drink. The (9) lpeople to leave were Tom and Sarah. The house was a bit of a mess and my sister (10) mus all a cup of tea. It was a great party!
  第三部分 模拟演练
  Farmers grow plants and animals on their farms. Is it also possible (1)a farm in the sea?
  People in many countries grow freshwater fish from (2). They move the small fish into lakes and rivers. The fish (3)and grow there. People go fishing in these lakes and rivers. They enjoy (4). Fish is also good food.
  Now Japan grows (5)fish. Most of them are yellowtail fish. Workers grow the fish from eggs. (6)they feed the fish,they play tapes of piano music. The fish learn that piano music means (7).
  When the fish are small, the Japanese (8)them in the ocean near the land. The fish find some of their own food. Workers also feed them. They play the same piano music. The fish (9)know this music. They swim toward it and find the food. In a few months the fish are (10). The Japanese play the same music. The fish swim toward it and the workers catch them.
  The Japanese get about 15 percent of their seafood from farms in the ocean.
  1. achieve 2. asleep3. behavior 4. breath5. choice6. difference7. environment8. harmed 9. hunting 10. introduced11. nervous
  12. polite13. provide14. reported15. serious
  1. invention2. humorous 3. message4. population5. rubbish
  6. similar 7. scientist8. temperature9. willingly10. straight
  11. recommend12. patient13. neighbours14. knowledge15. hobby
  1. angrily2. beauty 3. boring 4. repaired5. enjoyable6. failing7. married 8. medical9. myself10. getting 11. treatment
  12. traditional13. twentieth14. washing15. northern
  1. ability2. blind3. calm4. delicious5. energetic6. harmless
  7. improving8. lonely9. main10. noisy11. polluted12. punish
  13. realize14. sadness15. thirsty
  1. house2. friends3. First4. talking5. spent6. never7. good
  8. but9. last10. made
  1. to have2. eggs3. live4. catching fish5. saltwater6. Every time7. food8. put9. already10. large
2006年在首都体育学院的发展历史中写下了浓重的一笔:在这一年,我院举行了隆重而热烈的建院50周年庆典,受到了社会各界的广泛好评。令人倍感振奋的是,经过长达3年不懈的努力,我院在2006年10月份顺利地通过了教育部本科教学工作水平评估,成为当年接受评估的市属市管院校中唯一获得优秀的以“院”字开头的高校,这标志着首都体育学院已经跻身全国同类院校前列。    一、不可替代的首都体育学院    “安而不
邮政经济与管理邮政经济核算制度的改革 ;邮政资本运营机制的建立 ;邮政产品结构的调整和优化 ;邮政扭亏以后进一步加强成本控制提高经济效益之研究 ;邮政的专业化经营及公司
目前的市场邮购业务大都是采用先汇款再邮购物品的方式进行操作。这样 ,就给不法商贩进行诈骗活动带来许多可乘之机 ,使我们的邮政信誉得不到保证 ,严重制约着邮购业务的发展
[摘 要] 高校計算机实验室是大学生学习计算机知识与培养实践动手能力的重要场所,是高校教学的重要组成部分。为了更好地服务于教学,实验室的管理与维护工作就显得极为重要。  [关 键 词] 高校;计算机实验室;管理;维护  [中图分类号] G647 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2018)04-0206-02  高校计算机实验室是计算机实验教学的基础平台,承担了大量的计算机基础