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4岁的强强从托儿所回家后,妈妈发现他鼻子有些不通气,没等吃晚饭就给他服了半片感冒通。为了使孩子的病快些好,在晚上临睡前又将余下的半片感冒通给孩子服下。第2天早上,虽然鼻子不通有好转,但孩子尿色变红,母亲认为是发烧所致,仍继续服感冒通半片,一天服2次。直到第3天,孩子尿明显变红而且出现乏力、多汗等症状时,妈妈才慌忙带强强去医院检查,结果是感冒通引起的血尿。一位年仅27岁的幼儿教师,怀里抱着一名在2小时前刚注射完80万单位青霉素钠的幼儿。孩子一泡尿撒在幼儿教师的手臂上,十几秒钟后,这位幼儿教师突然呼吸困难,心慌气短,面色苍白,不一会儿就呈现昏迷状态。经医生诊断为青霉素过敏。 4-year-old strong home from the nursery, my mother found his nose some ventilation, did not wait for dinner to give him half a cold pass. In order to make the child’s illness faster, before going to sleep at night and then the remaining half of the cold through to the children under the clothes. On the morning of the second day, though the nose did not improve, the child turned red in color and the mother thought it was caused by fever. She continued to take the flu for half a day and twice a day. Until the third day, the child became significantly red urine and appear fatigue, sweating and other symptoms, the mother hurried to the hospital with a hurried examination, the result is caused by colds and colds. A 27-year-old kindergarten teacher held a child who had just injected 800,000 penicillin sodium 2 hours earlier. After a few seconds, the preschool teacher suddenly had difficulty breathing, feeling flustered and pale, and soon became unconscious. The doctor diagnosed as penicillin allergy.
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对接触者采取的管理措施称为检疫。接触者是指接触过病人、受染人员、动物或污染的环境并有可能受到感染的人。按传染的性质,检疫有以下三种方式: 医学观察 即对接触者每日进
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  In this abstract, we present microcapsules composed of nanoparticles and polymers fabricated using a microfluidic device.The hierarchical structure of these