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邓小平如果活着,已是百岁老人了。邓小平当然活着,他永远活在人民的心中。作为中国人民的好儿子,他肝脑涂地,鞠躬尽瘁,把一生献给了民族复兴和人民事业。作为中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,他继毛泽东带领中国人民求得解放之后,率领中国人民走上了致富之路。作为当代马克思主义的创立者,他为中国人民开掘了取之不竭的智慧之泉,留下了彪炳千秋的精神支柱。作为中华民族伟大复兴的旗帜,他解放思想、实事求是,为中国特色社会主义事业开辟了胜利之途。旗帜问题至关重要。举什么旗,就会走什么路。今天,我们纪念邓小平百年诞辰,不能不想到他留给我们的宝贵精神财富——邓小平理论,不能不想到集中体现这一马克思主义理论的《邓小平文选》。 If Deng Xiaoping is alive, it is a centenarian. Of course, Deng Xiaoping lives, and he lives in the hearts of the people forever. As a good son of the Chinese people, he devoted himself to doing his utmost to dedicate his life to the cause of national rejuvenation and the cause of the people. As the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and modernization, following the liberation of the Chinese people led by Mao Zedong, he led the Chinese people onto the road to prosperity. As the founder of contemporary Marxism, he pioneered the inexhaustible fountain of wisdom for the Chinese people, leaving a spiritual pillar that will bring forth profound benefits to the world. As the banner of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, he emancipated his mind and sought truth from facts opened the way for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The question of the flag is crucial. What flag will be taken, what road will go. Today, in commemoration of the centenary of Deng Xiaoping’s birthday, we can not but think of the valuable spiritual wealth he has left behind for us - Deng Xiaoping Theory. We can not but think of “Deng Xiaoping’s Literary Selection” that embodies this Marxist theory.
一、导 言rn自20世纪90年代后期,欧洲联盟(以下简称欧盟)就一直致力于同中国的对话,包括举办各种研讨会以及开展各种项目.其目的在于开启并推动一场可以最终导致死刑废止的辩