
来源 :高校图书馆工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingtiandetianming
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今年年初,我曾去美国参加美国和加拿大的研究图书馆会议。会议的主题是电子计算机在图书馆中的应用。在会议的三天过程中,几乎没有提到“书”这个字,但出席会议的图书馆员又确实是保管书的。我今天在这里讲,也是先讲资料情报的发展变化,然后再讲图书馆。人类社会经历了不同时期的发展,基本上可以分为这样三个时期;一是工业革命以前的时期,这一时期是靠原料维持发展的;二是工业社会时期,即由手工生产转变为机器生产的 Earlier this year, I went to the United States to attend research library meetings in the United States and Canada. The theme of the conference is the application of electronic computers in the library. During the three days of the meeting, there was almost no mention of the word “book,” but the librarian attending the meeting did indeed keep the book. I am here today to talk about the development of information and information, but also to talk about the library. Human society has undergone different periods of development and can be basically divided into three periods: first, before the industrial revolution, which was sustained by raw materials; and second, during the period of industrial society, that is, from manual production to machinery produced
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为了解森林转化对土壤碳矿化过程的影响,采用室内培养法对川西亚高山3种典型森林(天然林、桦木次生林和云杉人工林)土壤碳矿化过程进行219 d的动态监测.结果表明,3种森林土壤
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第3类亮氨酸拉链蛋白(ClassⅢHomeodomain Leucine Zipper,HD-ZipⅢ)主要参与维管组织形成、顶端分生组织的分化、胚胎形态发生及侧生器官极性建立等调控过程。本研究基于转
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