Clinical effectiveness of the various approaches for infertility treatment in women with PCOS and hy

来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BLGKLING
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【Objective】To evaluate the clinical efficiency of different treatments cancellation and infertility in women with PCOS and hyperprolactinemia.【Method】We performed retrospective analysis of 502consecutive case histories during 5 years of reproductive results of treatment of women is with anovulatory infertility,caused by different factors.Aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of conservative and surgical treatment.【Result】Differentiated application of conservative medical therapy allows to attain the effect of proceeding in a fertile function in 33,8%of patients.It is found that surgical induction of ovulation by ovarian laparoscopic partial degradation is an option in the management of female infertility associated with PCOS,especially as a second-line treatment after the failure of clomiphene citrate treatment,enhancing the efficiency of complex infertility treatment to 40%.【Conclusions】It is feasible to develop an algorithm differentiated use of infertility treatments in women with PCOS and hyperprolactinemia. 【Objective】 To evaluate the clinical efficiency of different treatments cancel and infertility in women with PCOS and hyperprolactinemia. 【Method】 We performed retrospective analysis of 502 consecutive case histories during 5 years of reproductive results of treatment of women is with anovulatory infertility, caused by different Factors. Aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of conservative and surgical treatment. [Result] Differentiated application of conservative medical therapy allows to achieve the effect of proceeding in a fertile function in 33,8% of patients. It is found surgical induction of ovulation by ovarian laparoscopic partial degradation is an option in the management of female infertility associated with PCOS, especially as a second-line treatment after the failure of clomiphene citrate treatment, enhancing the efficiency of complex infertility treatment to 40%. [Conclusions] It is feasible to develop an algorithm differentiated use of infertility treatments in women with PCOS and hyperprolactinemia.
1998年以来,我们对紫外线照射消毒手术室空气,分别于夜班护士接班后照射1h或于次日晨手术前2 h内照射1 h,进行比较.各10次用普通营养琼脂平板沉降20min采样,检测空气细菌总数
1病历摘要rn例1:女,21岁,已婚,未育.体检B超发现子宫右侧缘见一约186 mm×51.2 mm包块,呈无回声暗区,形状呈圆形,内有线样分隔带,壁薄光滑.考虑为附件包块:卵巢囊肿可能.