Hispanic Patients with Primary Biliary Cholangitis Have Decreased Access to Care Compared to Non-His

来源 :临床与转化肝病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nini863700
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Background and Aims:Hispanic patients with primary bili-ary cholangitis (PBC) have reduced rates of biochemical re-sponse to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and increased risk of disease progression compared to non-Hispanic patients. In this study, we sought to identify differences in demographics, comorbidities, environmental risk factors and socioeconomic status between Hispanic and non-Hispanic patients with PBC. Methods: In a case control study, we analyzed data from Hispanic (n=37 females and 1 male) and non-Hispanic (n=54 females and 4 males) patients with PBC seen at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital from January 1998 through January 2013. Data were obtained by filling out a questionnaire either via phone call, mail, or e-mail. Odds ratios were calculated to measure the association between exposure and outcomes.Results: Baseline demographics, environmental risk factors and comorbidities were similar be-tween Hispanic and non-Hispanic patients with PBC. Hispanic patients were less likely to be married and fewer Hispanics had education beyond high school level compared to non-His-panics. Sixty four percent of Hispanic patients had a house-hold income of less than$50000, compared to 19.5%of non-Hispanics. Fewer Hispanic patients with PBC had health insur-ance coverage compared to non-Hispanics (86.5% vs. 98.1%; odds ratio: 0.1, 95% confidence interval: 0-0.9). Conclusions: Differences in disease severity and response to therapy observed in prior studies could not be explained by environmental exposures. In addition to genetic variation, socioeconomic discrepancies (access to care) may further ex-plain these differences.
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