
来源 :当代学生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bendehen123
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读书在外,吃的是大锅饭、大锅菜,对于色泽滋味,我从不敢存有奢望,只要食能下咽,不觉恶心,解决温饱便足矣。但对食堂里芸芸众生之吃相却颇感兴趣,尤其是奇人奇相。传闻本校有吃一口饭菜喝两碗汤的,吃完了四周都是叠得高高的碗,像杂技团的道具;有一顿能吞下一斤饭的,相比之下埃及废王法鲁克每天吃二十个荷包蛋的胃口,简直小儿科;还有吃一只小生煎就觉得很饱的人,那腰肢估计可与赵飞燕相媲美。以上均为听闻,未能一见,不足为信,但我也见过类似的奇人。我校一向以机构庞大而闻名, 仅高一就有一千余名学生,因而也就有了四大食堂的壮观景象。一日听闻点心部有扬州炒饭卖,听了不禁流口水,便拉了几个同学一块儿去。一到食堂就见浩浩长队,更让人对此“美味”垂涎三尺(不想吃后 Reading books outside is a big pot of rice and large pot dishes. For the taste of color, I never dare to have any extravagance. As long as the food can swallow and feel nausea, it will be enough to solve the problem of food and clothing. However, they are quite interested in the cannibalism of the canteens, especially the stranger. It is rumored that the school has a meal and two bowls of soup. After eating all of them are stacked high bowls, like the props of the circus; there is a meal that can swallow a kilo of rice, compared to Egyptian waste king Farouk who eats every day. Twenty balsamic appetites are almost pediatric; there are people who feel very full when they eat a small one, and the waist is estimated to be comparable to Zhao Feiyan. The above are all heard. I can’t see it and I can’t believe it. But I have also seen similar strangers. Our school has always been known for its large organization. There are only a thousand students in the first year of senior high school. Therefore, there are also four magnificent canteens. One day, I heard that Yangzhou fried rice was sold in the snack department. I couldn’t help but drool, and I pulled several classmates together. As soon as I arrived at the dining hall, I saw Hao Hao’s long queue, which made it even more delicious and delicious.
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唐代杰出诗人和画家王维,晚年常因眼疾流泪而使视线模糊不清,后来他寻得食百合的偏方,果然有效,眼疾明显好转.于是他题诗赞百合:“果堪止泪无,欲纵望乡目”. Wang Wei, an
“巴黎烧了吗?”这是纳粹德国头子恶魔希特勒在1944年8月巴黎解放前夕从他设在东普鲁士的腊斯顿堡大本营中向西线德军总司令部发出的电报中气急败坏地提出的一个问题。 在此