219国道的生死传奇 《解放军生活》“移动编辑部”移师新疆军区“昆仑铁骑”团

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在中国版图西部的鸡尾处,有一条世界海拔最高的冰山公路,它起于新疆叶城县,止于世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰脚下的西藏拉孜,全长2000多公里。它蜿蜒在平均海拔4500米的喀喇昆仑山、昆仑山、冈底斯山和喜马拉雅山上,是新疆通往西藏阿里高原的唯一通道,也是通往中国与印度、尼泊尔、克什米尔等国家和地区交界处的唯一咽喉要道。人们称它为连接新疆与西藏阿里高原的“生命保障线”、“物资供应线”和“钢铁运输线”。这就是众多人们所为之陌生的新藏公路——219国道。在这条世界海拔最高的公路上,常年战斗着一支被称为昆仑铁骑的汽车部队。部队官兵双手驾驭铁骑,脚踏“生命禁区”,用青春乃至生命向祖国和人民书写着满腔的忠诚。莽莽昆仑,记下了他们在219国道上的生死传奇…… At the western end of the Chinese territory, there is an iceberg road at the highest elevation in the world. It starts in Yecheng County, Xinjiang, and ends in Tibet’s Lazi at the foot of Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. It has a total length of more than 2,000 kilometers. It winds its way to the Karakorum, Kunlun Mountains, Gangdise Mountains and Himalayas at an average elevation of 4,500 meters, and is the only route leading Xinjiang to the Altiplano in Tibet. It also leads to China, India, Nepal, Kashmir and other countries and regions The only throat at the junction. People call it “life support line”, “material supply line” and “steel transportation line” connecting Xinjiang and Tibet’s Ali plateau. This is what many people are unfamiliar with the new possession of the road - State Road 219. In this world’s highest road on the highest altitude, perennial fighting with a known as Kunlun cavalry car forces. The officers and men of the armed forces both control the cavalry and pedal the “restricted area of ​​life” with both hands and use their youth and even life to write full loyalty to the motherland and the people. Reckless Kunlun, wrote down their legendary life and death in the 219 National Road ......
最温馨的时光,是回家的时候和父亲一 起围炉喝酒,是听母亲唠叨老家的家长里短。 ——76160部队 尹向华 军人的职业决定了他的妻子不论是刚强 的还是柔弱的,都必须经受担惊受
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暑假结束,回到火热的校园,才发现又是新生报到的时候了。 看着那些稚气未脱的新学员,穿着还未佩戴红肩章的军装,有的在聆听父母的叮嘱,有的将一双眼睁得好大,凝视着远处一步