
来源 :中国对外贸易 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinwang01
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光纤通信是利用光导纤维进行通信的新技术,广泛应用始于80年代。光纤通信因具有容量大、损耗小、保密性好、抗干扰能力强、重量轻、成本低等优点,已在世界范围内迅猛发展。光纤通信的大面积普及,推动了光纤、光缆产业的兴起和发展。作为一个在经济上迅速崛起、又有着巨大市场容量的发展中大国,中国光纤通信发展速度之快、覆盖面之广,正在引起世界各国的密切关注。 一位在电子工业部工作的资深专家告诉笔者,随着引进光纤光缆技术和购买国外的先进生产设备,中国到1990年已有28个省共40多个城市采用了光纤通信系统,1991年全国敷设光缆约1.1万公里,1992年敷设1.7万公里,1993年敷设3万公里。他预言,在不久的将来,一个具有相当规模的光纤光缆产业将会 Optical fiber communication is a new technology that utilizes optical fiber to communicate. Widespread applications began in the 1980s. Due to its advantages of large capacity, low loss, good confidentiality, strong anti-interference ability, light weight, and low cost, optical fiber communication has developed rapidly in the world. The widespread use of optical fiber communications has promoted the rise and development of optical fiber and optical cable industries. As a large developing country with rapid economic growth and large market capacity, China’s optical fiber communications are developing at a rapid pace and covering a wide range of areas and are attracting close attention from countries around the world. A senior expert working in the Ministry of Electronics Industry told the author that with the introduction of fiber optic cable technology and the purchase of advanced production equipment from abroad, China had adopted optical fiber communication systems in more than 40 cities in 28 provinces in 1990. About 11,000 kilometers of optical cables were laid, 17,000 kilometers were laid in 1992, and 30,000 kilometers were laid in 1993. He predicted that in the near future, a fairly large-scale fiber optic cable industry will
印刷工业的发展与国民收入息息相关 随着我国改革开放及市场经济的深入发展,人民生活水平不断提高,出口产品不断增多,印刷工业也迅速发展。近年来,我国印刷工业发展相当快,
国防事业的发展对军工产品的质量提出了更高的要求。众所周知,军工产品的质量关系到战士的生命、战役的胜负甚至国土的安危,因此军工产品的质量是个重大的战略问题。 质量是
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销售量和回款额落实到人针对性地转换销售方式有的方矢抢占市场 The amount of sales and the amount of repayments are implemented in the targeted conversion of sales