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举国瞩目的全国首届青运会,于去年十月十八日晚降下了帷幕。晚上十点钟当我赶回报社冲卷、放大、发稿完毕,已是深夜十二点了。十三个日日夜夜的紧张采访结束了,我深深地舒了一口气,如释重负。每当我回味起青运会采访时,一幅幅画图常在脑际萦回,总觉得应该记取点什么。这里不仅有一次次小尝试取得“成功”的喜悦,也有操之不慎而失误的遗憾。下面是我在篮球赛采访中的一点体会。记下这些,对自己和初学体育摄影的同行,或许是有益的。篮球比赛是群众喜闻乐见的一项运动,由于双方运动员在比赛中速度快,战术变化大,运球迅速,篮板球争抢激烈,因而给采访带来很大困难。所以,采 The first National Youth Games that attracted national attention came to a close last October 18th. At ten o’clock in the evening, when I went back to the newspaper and rushed to the newspaper, the press was finished and it was midnight. Thirteen days and nights of intense interview ended, I am deeply relieved, relieved. Whenever I recalled the interview from the Youth Games, a picture often linger back and always felt that something should be remembered. Here not only time and again try to achieve the “success” of the joy, but also accidentally and mistaken regret. Here is my interview in the basketball game a little experience. It may be helpful to write down these, for myself and my peers in sports photography. Basketball is a sport loved by the masses. It has brought great difficulties to the interview due to the speed and tactical changes of both athletes in the competition, the rapid dribbling and the fierce rebounding. So, mining
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