周伯华局长在国家工商总局2007年机关党的工作会议上强调 团结奋进 真抓实干 不断开创党建工作新局面

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3月6日,国家工商总局召开2007年机关党的工作会议。总局党组书记、局长周伯华在会上强调,要进一步发挥党组织的核心保证作用和党员的先锋模范作用,充分调动机关全体党员干部的积极性和创造性,进一步搞好自身建设,不断加强学习,继续开拓创新,积极主动地做好各项工作,促进工商行政管理各项工作任务的全面落实,不断开创机关党建工作的新局面。总局党组成员、副局长、机关党委书记刘玉亭主持会议,总局党组成员、副局长钟攸平出席会议。 On March 6, SAIC held the Working Party of the Party in 2007. Zhou Bohua, party secretary and director of the General Administration of CPC, emphasized at the meeting that it is necessary to give further play to the core guarantee role of party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of all Party members and cadres in the organs, further improve self-construction, continuously enhance study and continue to explore Innovate and actively do a good job in all aspects of work, and promote the full implementation of all tasks of industrial and commercial administration so as to constantly create a new situation in the party’s work in organ construction. Liu Yuting, member of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the CPC Central Committee, and chairman of the party committee of the government, presided over the meeting. Zhong Youping, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the General Administration of Administration, attended the meeting.
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