
来源 :中国给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixingand
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在斯里兰卡某机场飞行区跑道、停机坪、下滑台的排水系统设计中,借鉴了发达国家的相关经验及做法,重点对跑道道面区外侧是否设置渗水管、停机坪排水如何考虑隔油及下滑台排水沟布置位置进行了探讨。另外在机场排水及防洪设计过程中,利用BIM设计软件Civil 3D对场内及场外地势进行建模,解决了机场周边防洪的合理评估,为机场排水设计提供了强有力的保障。同时根据海外项目的特点,因地制宜,综合考虑大象通道、生态环境保护、水土保持等因素,通过降低排洪渠深度、减少弃土、增设沉淀池等措施有效降低了对环境的影响。随着“一带一路”战略的实施,援外项目日益增多,该工程可为类似国外机场工程的设计提供参考。 In the design of the drainage system of runway, apron and gliding platform in the flight zone of an airport in Sri Lanka, drawing lessons from the experience and practices of developed countries, it focuses on whether the seepage pipe is installed outside the runway area, how to consider the grease trap and glide in the apron drainage Taiwan drains layout of the location were discussed. In addition, in the course of airport drainage and flood control design, BIM design software Civil 3D was used to model the on-site and off-site topography to solve the reasonable assessment of flood control around the airport and provide a strong guarantee for airport drainage design. At the same time, according to the characteristics of overseas projects, according to local conditions, taking into account the elephant channel, ecological environment protection, soil and water conservation and other factors, by reducing the depth of flood drain, reducing spoil, additional sedimentation tanks and other measures to effectively reduce the impact on the environment. With the implementation of the “Belt and Road” strategy, the number of foreign aid projects is on the increase. This project can provide reference for the design of similar foreign airport projects.
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