
来源 :中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyray
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积极的冲突观以科塞的功能冲突理论和达伦多夫的辩证冲突理论为基石,对冲突的认识更具建设性,其基本观点是:冲突无处不在,包含建设性与破坏性冲突,是一个动态的过程。治安冲突指在各类利益主体之间产生的、对社会治安领域造成或可能造成较大冲击、需要公安机关及时干预和适当处置的社会冲突。当代治安冲突具有表现形式多样、处理困难、容易转化、规模化明显、暴力冲突增多的特征。治安冲突管理应遵循的基本原则是:树立执法权威、秉持公平公正、避免冲突激化;据此,治安冲突管理的策略应是在找到冲突的起因、明确冲突类型的基础上采取恰当措施限制、调解和遏制冲突。 The positive concept of conflict is based on Corrson’s theory of functional conflict and Dahrendorf’s dialectical conflict theory, and the understanding of the conflict is more constructive. The basic idea is that conflicts are ubiquitous and contain constructive and destructive conflicts, Is a dynamic process. Conflict of law and order refers to the social conflicts that arise among all kinds of stakeholders and cause or may have a greater impact on the social security field and require timely intervention and proper disposal by public security organs. The conflicts of law and order in the country have the characteristics of various forms of representation, handling difficulties, easy transformation, large-scale and increasing violence. The basic principles that public security conflict management should follow are: to establish the authority of law enforcement, uphold fairness and justice, and avoid the intensification of conflicts; accordingly, the tactics of public security conflict management should be to find out the cause of the conflict and clarify the types of conflicts and take appropriate measures to limit and mediate And contain the conflict.
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