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依靠科技进步做大做强做新做实企业国电宣威发电有限责任公司前身是云南宣威发电厂。始建于1958年,1960年首台25MW机组投产发电,至1978年共建成四台25MW、二台50MW机组,总装机容量为200MW。2002年1月,该厂改制为国电宣威发电有限责任公司,由国电电力发展股份有限公司控股,五家股东的参股比例为:国电电力发展股份有限公司41%、云南省开发投资有限公司34%、昆明耀荣建筑安装工程有限公司10%、云南银塔电力工程有限公司10%、云南电力设计实业有限公司5%。乘着西部大开发的东风,国电宣威发电有限责任公司一直不断超越自我,迎难而上,锐意改革,走跨越式的发展之路。一、实施扩建工程至2001年底,老机组全部拆除。五期扩建工程和六期:工程相继建成投产,截止2004年12月31日,四台新机组累计发电155.75亿千瓦时,机组运行稳定。在工程建设中,注重新技术的应用,五期工程建设时,采用了国内普遍使用的分散控制系统(DCS)。六期工程建设之时,采用更先进的控制技术:机电一体化控制,以DCS为主,ECS为辅,把两种控制系统通讯组构成—体化网络控制系统。实现了控制功能一体化、实时信息一体化、监控集中一体化的技术目标。控制范围扩展至汽机、锅炉、电气系统,机组监控功能全面完整。 Relying on scientific and technological progress bigger and stronger do new realities Guodian Xuanwei Power Generation Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Yunnan Xuanwei power plant. Founded in 1958, the first 25MW unit was put into operation in 1960, and by 1978 a total of four 25MW and two 50MW units were built with a total installed capacity of 200MW. In January 2002, the plant was reorganized as Guodian Xuanwei Power Generation Co., Ltd., which is controlled by Guodian Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. The shares held by the five shareholders are: Guodian Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. 41%, Yunnan Development and Investment Co., Ltd. 34 %, 10% of Kunming Yiu Wing Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd., 10% of Yunnan Yinta Power Engineering Co., Ltd., and 5% of Yunnan Electric Power Design Industrial Co., Ltd. Taking advantage of the great development of the western region, Guodian Xuanwei Power Generation Co., Ltd. has continuously surpassed itself and faced the challenge of reform. It is committed to reform and taking the leapfrog development path. First, the implementation of the expansion project By the end of 2001, the old crew all demolition. Phase 5 Expansion Project and Phase 6: The projects have been put into operation one after another. As of December 31, 2004, the cumulative total generating capacity of the four new units reached 15.575 billion kWh, and the unit operation was stable. In the project construction, pay attention to the application of new technologies, the construction of the fifth phase, the use of decentralized control system (DCS) commonly used in China. Six phase of construction, the use of more advanced control technology: mechatronic control, mainly to DCS, ECS, supplemented by the two control system communication group constitutes a body network control system. To achieve the integration of control functions, real-time information integration, monitoring the integration of technical goals. Control extended to the steam turbine, boiler, electrical system, unit monitoring fully functional.
为了规范以高新技术成果出资入股行为,促进高新技术产业的发展,现将国家科委、国家工商局制定的《关于以高新技术成果出资入股若干问题的规定》摘登于下: In order to stand
师范学校毕业后,我去一所实验小学应聘。虽然只有一个录用名额,但应聘者却有几百人。我抱着试试看的想法也报了名。经过笔试面试口试之后,大部分应聘者被淘 Normal school a