构建知识结构 培养政治学科能力

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认知心理学认为,人们关于某一学科的知识在头脑中组成一个有层次的结构,最具有包容性的概念处于这个层次结构的顶点,它下面是包容范围较小和越来越分化的命题、概念和具体知识。这样才能将容易忘记的特殊知识固着在容易记住的概念上,而且可以根据一般原理(特殊知识都可以类属其中)来综合有关的事实。根据认知心理学和思想政治课的特点、要求,在构建政治学科知识结构时应坚持以下三个原则:一、由一般到具体,不断分化的原则所谓不断分化,就是分清理论的思维层次,依据人们认识新事物的自然顺序和认知结构的组织顺序,把学科知识由整体到细节组织起来。由是什么到为什么、再到怎么做,步步深入,思维逐级提高,形成关于某一理论知识的“树状结构”。心理学家认为,人的大脑是将信息存储在树状的树突上的,人们只有用大脑自身的记忆方法构建学科知识结构,才会收到事半功倍的效果。 Cognitive psychology believes that people’s knowledge about a certain subject forms a hierarchical structure in the mind. The most inclusive concept is at the top of this hierarchy. Below it is the proposition that the scope of inclusion is smaller and more and more differentiated. , concepts and specific knowledge. In this way, the easy to forget special knowledge can be fixed on the easy-to-remember concept, and the relevant facts can be synthesized according to the general principle (special knowledge can be categorized therein). According to the characteristics and requirements of cognitive psychology and ideological and political courses, the following three principles should be adhered to when constructing the knowledge structure of political subjects: First, the principle of continuous differentiation from general to specific, so-called constant differentiation, is to clarify the theoretical level of thinking. Based on the natural order of people’s understanding of new things and the organizational order of cognitive structures, the subject knowledge is organized from the whole to the details. From what to why and how to do it, step by step, thinking step by step, and form a “tree-like structure” about a certain theoretical knowledge. Psychologists believe that the human brain stores information in dendritic dendrites. People can only use the brain’s own memory method to construct the knowledge structure of the subject and they will only get twice the result with half the effort.
1、小车的规格要求:小车长、宽、高不超过25厘米,最多用4节五号电池,电机规格不限,小车出发后不能光控、遥控它。 2、要求:如图1,小车在地面上行驶2.5米后爬上16个台阶;如都
文[1]中提出的第134个问题是:当k取某个大于1的值时,是否存在某类三角形,使 a2+b2+c2≥43△+k[(a-b)2+(b-c)2+(c-a)2](1)仍成立?k取任何正值都有相应的三角形使不等式成立吗?事实上,当k≥3时,由a2+b2+c2≤4 The 134th question proposed in [
一、中考作文命题趋势展望纵观近几年中考、作文命题 ,我们不难发现 ,有以下几种趋势 :1 命题更贴近生活 作文考查 ,要求以正确的思想为核心 ,以社会生活为内容 ,是显而易见
中小学教育是基础教育 ,基础教育的根本目的和任务在于培养高素质的公民 ,提高整个民族素质。思想政治课作为整个中学教育的重要组成部分 ,是中学德育的主渠道。因此 ,思想政