
来源 :中国历史地理论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnwkn2008
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郭子章及其《郡县释名》述论华林甫我国传统地名学以考释地名渊源为主要特征。这种特征先秦时代已露端倪,东汉时期以班固、应劭的著作为代表而渐趋完善,至北魏以郦道元《水经注》为代表而标志着它的成熟。然而,自从第一部具有地名学研究内容的著作《汉书·地理志》问世... Guo Zizhang and His Comment on County and County Interpretation Hualin Fu The traditional topographical studies in our country are mainly characterized by the study of the origin of geographical names. The characteristics of the pre-Qin era have been revealed. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Gu and Ying Ying’s works were gradually being perfected. As a representative of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Taoist Yuan Shuishui Notes represented its maturity. However, since the first book, “Han Geography”, with the content of toponymic research ...
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