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关于森铁限坡问题一直存在着争议。一种意见就是各种“选线设计”书的作者奉行的越岭地段的设计原则:充分用足限制坡度,不损失高程,以防线路无为的展长。由此看来限坡长度不应受什么制约。另一种意见是来自生产第一线的工人、干部、技术人员的反应,他们认为列车行驶在长大坡边上,容易出现水汽供应不上,时常出现运缓,影响通过能力,阻碍生产任务的完成,冬季尤为严重。 There has been controversy over the Lim-Sum slope restriction. One of the opinions is that the design principles for the various sections of the Yuelu Mountain that various authors of the “Route Selection Design” put forward are: full use of footprints to limit the slope without loss of elevation and to prevent inaction on the route. In view of this, the length of slope should not be subject to any constraints. The other opinion comes from the reaction of the workers, cadres and technicians in the front line of production. They think that when the train runs on the edge of the long and large slope, the water vapor supply is not easy to come by and there is frequent slow down, affecting the capacity-passing and hindering the production tasks The completion of the winter is particularly serious.
  The dengue virus (DENV) belongs to the flavivirus family.Each of the four distinct serotypes of this virus can cause severe human disease, especially in tro
一、宋荦的家世与生平宋荦(1634—1713),字牧仲,号漫堂,又号西阪,河南商丘人。于明崇祯七年(1634)正月二十六日生在北京其父官邸中。 First, Song 荦 family life and life
78年4月上海港务局南市装卸站在南站11~#~14~# 码头上建成投产了以装卸煤为主,黄砂、石子为付的散货装卸通道作业线。 此作业线由轮胎式起重机、喂料斗、固定在钢筋混凝土通
Tunable wavelength routers (TWRs) for multiple wavelength selection are key devices in dynamic wavelength-routing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network