
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:finallove
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去年,我区某刑警队解剖室的两名法医对一死因不明的女性进行了解剖学检查。死者27岁,结婚半年,已怀孕四个月。婚后和爱人在一间十平方米的小平房里居住。当时正值冬季,他们烧煤炉取暖。这天早晨八点多,女方单位的领导因有急事见她还未来上班,就派一女同志去家里找。这位女同志来到她家见门窗紧闭,呼之不应,又喊了几个人破门而人。见夫妻二人均俯卧于地下,女的已死,男的呼吸微弱。于是,立即将男的送医院急救,并通知了死者的亲生父母。死者父母提出了疑议:既然女儿和女婿同居一室,为何女儿已死,女婿经抢救很 Last year, two forensics of a dissection room of a criminal police unit in our district conducted an anatomical examination of an unknown woman. The dead 27 years old, married six months, has been pregnant for four months. Married and lover in a 10 square meters of small cottage living. At that time, in winter, they were heating their coal stoves. More than eight o’clock this morning, the leadership of the woman’s unit sent her a gay woman to go to her home because she was in a hurry to see her working in the future. The lesbian came to her house to see the windows and doors closed, should not be called, and shouted a few people break the door. See both husband and wife prone prone to the ground, the woman is dead, the weak man’s breathing. So, immediately sent to the hospital for men first aid, and informed the deceased’s biological parents. The deceased parents raised doubts: Since daughter and son-in-law, why her daughter is dead, son-in-law after the rescue
It is a main form using the main beamwidth of the ambiguity function to judge the signal resolution, in which the range or Doppler resolution of the signals ar
当下一世纪的钟声还未敲响时,一种伴随数字技术而出现的一年一度的国际视听展,拉开了神密的帷幕。让人应接不暇的是各种计算机产品,最有魅力的要数DVD了。一部DVD-ROM As t
Nonlocal theory of continuum mechanics possesses a great potential in the discussion of materials in the atomic scale and its relationship to the atomic lattice