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我们自从引入推广水稻旱育苗寒地稀植高产栽培新技术以来,在床土调酸、配肥、消毒等方面进行了改革,研制成床土调制剂产品,应用于生产,获得较好的效果。 1984年开始研制进行初试。1985年黑龙江省农牧渔业厅农业技术推广站把床土调制剂列入全省水稻育苗试验项目之一。大面积示范应用二年,全市有9个县(区)52个乡示范总计应用面积达61,200亩,其中1986年6万亩,生产应用13,000亩。占全市水稻旱育苗的28%。床土调制剂配方依据水稻旱育苗床土调制剂是根据稻秧苗期所需的氮磷钾及多种微量元素,按其合理比例配入。又根据土壤pH加入硫酸盐进行调酸,再加入消毒剂而成。以往的床上配肥,调酸与消毒过程存在几个缺点:一是费工;二是配肥不匀而易烧苗;三是用浓硫酸调酸不安全;四是稻农不易掌握技术。为此,我们首先改进了调酸方法,用硫酸亚铁代替浓硫酸确保安全,为防止配肥干撒不匀而伤苗,改成配肥溶解成液 Since the introduction of popularization of high-yielding cultivation techniques of rice seedlings in the cold paddy field, we have carried out reforms on acidizing soil, fertilizing and disinfecting beds, and developed bed soil preparation products for production to obtain better results . 1984 began to develop the first test. 1985 Heilongjiang Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Department of Agricultural Technology Extension Station bed soil preparation into the province’s rice nursery pilot project. Large-scale demonstration and application of two years, the city has nine counties (districts) 52 townships demonstration area totaling 61,200 acres, of which 60,000 acres in 1986, production and application of 13,000 acres. Accounting for 28% of rice dry nursery in the city. Bed soil preparation formulations based on rice dry nursery bed soil preparation is based on the required seedlings of rice N, P and K and a variety of trace elements, according to their reasonable proportion. Also according to the soil pH by adding sulfate for acid, then add disinfectant. Previous bed with fertilizer, acid and disinfection process, there are several drawbacks: First, labor; Second, with uneven fertilizer easy to burn seedlings; Third, acid with concentrated sulfuric acid is not safe; Fourth, rice farmers not easy to master the technology. To this end, we first improved the method of acid, with ferrous sulfate instead of concentrated sulfuric acid to ensure safety, in order to prevent uneven distribution of fat fertilizer and injury, into fertilizer dissolved into liquid
背景血管新生是从即有血管的内皮细胞增殖或游走到其他地方从新形成子代血管分支的过程。脑动脉新生可以重建有效血供,从而改善多发性、弥漫性脑动脉粥样硬化(Cerebral ather
伊贝母(Fritillaria pallidiflora Sch-renk)在系统发育过程中,种子形成了胚后熟的生理犄性。伊贝母地上植株生育期较短,当年采收的种子胚发育不全,形成了胚发育程度低的特