瑞安市飞云机电厂是以生产一喜牌食品电烤炉为主的食品加工机械生产企业,品种齐全、质量可靠,经历次行业性质量抽查,产品质量均符合GB 10644-89标准。1998年工季度经国家级抽查,质量名列前茅,产品畅销全国,深受广大用户好评。本厂以开拓进取、务实、创新的精神。不断开发新产品。以质量第一、精益求精、用户至上、信用为本的原则,力求满足用户的需求。众所周知,电热食品烤炉是通过电加热来烘烤面包、糕点、肉类等食品
Ruian Feiyunji Power Plant is a food processing machinery manufacturer mainly engaged in the production of Yixi brand food electric ovens. It has complete varieties and reliable quality. It has undergone sub-industry quality spot checks, and the product quality meets the standard of GB 10644-89. In 1998, the work season was spot checked by the state and the quality was among the best. The products were sold well throughout the country and were well received by the users. The factory is pioneering, pragmatic and innovative spirit. Constantly develop new products. With the principle of quality first, excellence, customer first, and credit, we strive to meet the needs of users. As we all know, electric food ovens use electric heating to bake bread, cakes, meat and other foods.