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2008年,是极不寻常、极不平凡的一年。从年初的严重冻灾到五月的汶川大地震,从北京奥运的成功举办到神七飞船的成功发射,以及十七届三中全会的胜利召开,既经历了严峻的考验,也取得了巨大成就。党中央、国务院带领全国人民克服重重困难,夺取了抗震救灾的重大胜利,保持了国民经济增长较快、价格回稳、结构优化、民生改善的良好态势。2008年,对于各省而言,同样是极不平凡的一年。我们对安徽、上海、广东等10个省份进行了重点监测,通过监测发现,在复杂的经济形势下,各省通过积极部署,在保证经济健康发展的同时,在民生、机构改革、产业发展等领域也取得了长足进步。 2008 is an extremely unusual and extraordinary year. From the severe cold disaster at the beginning of the year to the Wenchuan earthquake in May, the successful launch of the Beijing Olympic Games, the successful launch of the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, and the triumphant convocation of the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee have not only experienced a severe test but also achieved a tremendous achievement. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council led the people across the country to overcome numerous difficulties and seized major victories in the earthquake relief work and maintained a sound momentum of rapid growth of national economy, stabilization of prices, structural optimization and improvement of people's livelihood. In 2008, it was also an extraordinary year for all provinces. Through monitoring, we found that in the complicated economic situation, all provinces, through their active deployment, ensured the healthy development of the economy, at the same time they were in the fields of people's livelihood, institutional reform and industrial development, etc. We conducted monitoring on ten provinces including Anhui, Shanghai and Guangdong. Also made great progress.
一峰: 你好!读着你的信,迎面扑来的全是那座小小的城市里,水秀山清的气息,很容易就将我拉回那段短暂而愉快的日子。你的问题和问候一起收到,这又使我看到那有着强列好奇心的
5月起,国内市场上似乎笔记本电脑奏响了降价的主旋律,先是从5月11日起,NEC的VERSA 2760MT价格下调30%,统一以14500元的价格出售。紧接着国內品牌也争着降,先是伦飞的4款“奇
On March 6th the first bag of flake causticsoda was made by the second phase 180 000t/a caustic soda unit of Jilantai Salt ChemicalGroup Co., Ltd.of China Nati
引言 随着企业安全意识的不断增强,安全投入愈来愈受到企业决策者的普遍重视。但是如何进行投入,却是一个值得探讨的问题。目前主要有两种代表性的观点:一种是安全专家提出的“
“经济靠援助,说话不算数,吃饭靠大树,穿衣两块布。”联合国际组织(UIO)西非副主席郑智天一边悠闲地摆弄着功夫茶具,一边诙谐地形容起非洲许多国家的现状,然后话锋一转,“但是非洲这个市场对产品没有什么要求,我们有什么他们就买什么,只要企业加以引导,就能在这块土地上创造许多商机,就像那个在非洲卖鞋的故事所说的那样。”  郑智天优雅地细斟着功夫茶,一句一句地娓娓道来他走进非洲的故事和心得。    一波三
编辑同志: 你好!笔者前不久看了一部令人大倒胃口的香港喜剧影片,其中有一处情节为:一位手淫者将东西放到杯子中,另一个不知内情的人,以为是牛奶喝了下去,看到这里许多观众
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