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机械复制时代的艺术已与传统艺术有了本质区别,这种区别在于传统艺术光晕的凋萎和消逝。艺术的机械复制技术使得艺术的崇拜价值让位于展览价值,改变了艺术为少数人专有的局面,大众参与艺术从而成为可能。然而这种艺术复制技术也同时发挥着物化作用和解放作用,可文化工业下企图通过技术操纵大众终究是不可能的,技术最终可以实现一种救赎而将大众从虚假意识中解放出来。所以,在机械复制时代大众最终可以广泛、自主、真实地进行艺术参与,从而 The art of the era of mechanical reproduction has been essentially different from the traditional art, the difference is that the glorification of the traditional art withered away. The art of mechanical copying has made the value of art devalue the value of exhibitions, changed the art to the minority and the public has become involved in art. However, this kind of art reproduction technique also plays the role of materialization and liberation. It is impossible for the culture industry to attempt to manipulate the masses through technology. Technology can eventually achieve a kind of salvation and liberate the masses from the false consciousness. Therefore, in the era of mechanical reproduction, the general public can eventually engage in artistic participation extensively, autonomously and truthfully, thus
这块土地是上帝赐的地,我绚烂古老的幸福地。当太阳刚升起,看河山多壮丽,平原 This land is God’s gift, I gorgeous ancient happiness. When the sun has just risen to
临床上常用氯化钾制剂来治疗缺钾和低血钾症。其中以溶液剂口服吸收最快,但味道不适,普通片剂、胶囊剂也因释药太快, The clinical use of potassium chloride to treat po
按照《中华人民共和国企业所 得税暂行条例》及《企业所得税汇 算清缴管理办法》的规定,企业所得 税纳税人必须依据现行税收政策, 自行进行纳税调整,认真填写纳税 申报表及其附
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组成:火麻仁30、杏仁10、枳实10、大黄10后下、厚朴10、白芍10、党参15、北芪15。功能:益气扶正、润肠通便。主治:习惯性便秘、虚人便秘。 Composition: hemp seed 30, almo
HES 为Hydroxyethyl Starch 的缩写,即羟乙基淀粉,国内俗称“706”,其平均分子量(?)为2.5~4.5万和1.0~2.5万二种规格,置换 HES is the abbreviation of Hydroxyethyl Starch,