
来源 :山西体育科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wren200
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今后若干年内在国际与国内大赛中使用电子护具已成定局,高科技在竞技场的应用,有利于运动员的公平公正竞争;电子护具的使用,竞赛规则的修改,鼓励运动员使用高难技术,比赛技术种类增加,竞技跆拳道运动已进入了一个全新的、高层次的发展阶段。研究电子护具对竞技跆拳道技战术的影响,尽快适应与改进运动训练中存在的一些问题是我们急需解决面对的课题;以项目自身特点与内在规律为依据,选择适宜的训练方法,仍是我们应遵循的基本训练指导思想,扎实的基本功是提高身体综合能力的基础;推行“快乐训练”的理念,以人为本是提高训练效果,实现训练目标的治本作法。 The use of electronic gear in international and domestic competitions in the next few years is a foregone conclusion. The application of high technology in the arena will be conducive to the fair and equitable competition of athletes. The use of electronic gear and the modification of competition rules will encourage athletes to use highly difficult techniques, Competition technology types increased, competitive Taekwondo movement has entered a new, high-level stage of development. Studying the impact of electronic protective gear on competitive Taekwondo skills and tactics, as soon as possible to adapt to and improve some of the problems in the training of sports is that we urgently need to solve the problems faced; based on the project’s own characteristics and inherent laws, select appropriate training methods is still We should follow the basic training guidelines, solid basic skills is to improve the basis of the comprehensive ability of the body; the implementation of the concept of “happy training”, people-oriented is to improve the training effect, to achieve the training objectives of the fundamental practice.
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