近年来,邯郸市供销社纪检监察部门,狠抓违法违纪案件查处工作,有力地促进了企业的健康发展。据统计,1999至2000年两年共查处案件28件,受到党政纪处分的36人。其中决定移送司法机关追究刑事责任的2人,为企业挽回经济损失100多万元。 一、领导重视是关键 市社党委始终坚持“两手抓,两手硬”的方针,像抓经济工作一样抓违法违纪案件的查处。在办案中形成了主管书记亲自抓,分管书记具体抓,纪检监察部门办案的领导格局。市社党委从组织领导、工作机制、力量调配、办案方法等加大力度。一是成立案
In recent years, Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department of Handan City, supply and marketing cooperatives, pay close attention to investigate and deal with cases of violations of laws and disciplines, effectively promoted the healthy development of enterprises. According to statistics, a total of 28 cases were investigated and dealt with in 1999-2000 and 36 were punished by the party and government. Which decided to transfer to the judiciary for criminal responsibility of 2 people, for the recovery of more than 100 million yuan of economic losses. First, the leadership seriously is the key Municipal Party Committee Party Committee always adhere to the “two hand grasp, both hard” approach, like grasping the economic work as a violation of law and discipline investigation. In the handling of cases, a competent secretary was arrested personally and in charge of the leadership pattern in charge of handling cases handled by the secretary and discipline inspection and supervision departments. City party committee from the organization and leadership, working mechanism, power deployment, case handling methods to intensify. First, the case was established