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马田镇地处永兴县西北部,是郴州市的北大门,交通便利,区位优势明显,京广铁路、京珠高速公路、107国道和武广高速铁路穿境而过。全镇辖21个行政村4个居委会和1个社区,总人口达7.8万余人、其中城镇人口达3万多人,总面积100平方公里、其中城区面积4.2平方公里,有省、市、县驻镇单位62个,号称“湘南第一大镇”。全镇耕地面积为20220亩,其中水田17100亩,旱土3120亩;山林面积为67800亩,其中油茶林地有63260亩,居全县之首,有“油茶之乡”的美称。境内煤炭资源丰富,储量达1亿吨,有“煤炭之乡”的美誉。近年来,镇党委、政府紧紧围绕“抓安全、保稳定、转观念、调结构、优环境、谋发展、重民生、构和谐”的工作思 Located in the northwest of Yongxing County, Matian Town is the north gate of Chenzhou City. It enjoys convenient transportation and obvious geographical advantages. The Jing-Guang Railroad, the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, the 107 National Highway and the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway run through it. The town administer 21 administrative villages 4 neighborhood committees and a community, with a total population of 78000 people, of which the urban population of more than 30,000 people, with a total area of ​​100 square kilometers, of which the urban area of ​​4.2 square kilometers, with provincial, municipal, County town units 62, known as “the first town in southern Hunan.” The town of arable land area of ​​20,220 mu, of which 17,100 acres of paddy fields, dry land 3120 acres; mountain area of ​​67,800 acres, of which 63,260 acres of Camellia woodland, ranking first in the county, “Camellia ” reputation. The territory of rich coal resources, reserves of 1 billion tons, with “coal town” reputation. In recent years, the town party committees and governments closely focus on the work concept of “grasping security, ensuring stability, turning concepts, adjusting structure, optimizing environment, seeking development, focusing on people’s livelihood and building harmony”