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语调是在同词汇及语法结构的互相作用及上下文的联系中发挥作用的。确定一篇文章的语调,首先要看该文属于哪种语体,因为文语体及口语体的话语或文章在语音、语调方面都各有自己的特点。各种调型在连贯话语中,是综合运用的。非句末的未完结语段大都使用调型—3、调型—4、调型—6,但语体属性及修辞色彩不一样。调型—3主要用语调是在同词汇及语法结构的互相作用及上下文的联系中发挥作用的。确定一篇文章的语调,首先要看该文属于哪种语体,因为文语体及口语体的话语或文章在语音、语调方面都各有自己的特点。各种调型在连贯话语中,是综合运用的。非句末的未完结语段大都使用调型—3、调型—4、调型—6,但语体属性及修辞色彩不一样。调型—3主要用语调是在同词汇及语法结构的互相作用及上下文的联系中发挥作用的。确定一篇文章的语调,首先要看该文属于哪种语体,因为文语体及口语体的话语或文章在语音、语调方面都各有自己的特点。各种调型在连贯话语中,是综合运用的。非句末的未完结语段大都使用调型—3、调型—4、调型—6,但语体属性及修辞色彩不一样。调型—3主要用语调是在同词汇及语法结构的互相作用及上下文的联系中发挥作用的。确定一篇文章的语调,首先要看该文属于哪种语体,因为文语体及口语体 Intonation plays a role in the interplay and contextual connection with vocabulary and grammatical structures. To determine the tone of an article, we must first look at what kind of style the article belongs to, because the discourse and oral discourse or article have their own characteristics in pronunciation and intonation. Various tone in a coherent discourse, is the integrated use of. Most of the non-ending sentences at the end of the sentence use tone-3, tone-4 and tone-6, but the stylistic attributes and rhetoric are different. Tone-3 main tone is in the vocabulary and grammatical structure of interaction and contextual relations play a role. To determine the tone of an article, we must first look at what kind of style the article belongs to, because the discourse and oral discourse or article have their own characteristics in pronunciation and intonation. Various tone in a coherent discourse, is the integrated use of. Most of the non-ending sentences at the end of the sentence use tone-3, tone-4 and tone-6, but the stylistic attributes and rhetoric are different. Tone-3 main tone is in the vocabulary and grammatical structure of interaction and contextual relations play a role. To determine the tone of an article, we must first look at what kind of style the article belongs to, because the discourse and oral discourse or article have their own characteristics in pronunciation and intonation. Various tone in a coherent discourse, is the integrated use of. Most of the non-ending sentences at the end of the sentence use tone-3, tone-4 and tone-6, but the stylistic attributes and rhetoric are different. Tone-3 main tone is in the vocabulary and grammatical structure of interaction and contextual relations play a role. To determine the tone of an article, we must first look at what kind of style the article belongs to, because the style body and colloquial style
目的 寻求省时有效的矫治乳前牙反牙合的矫治器。方法 用正畸不绣钢丝制作双曲舌簧上颌牙合垫活动矫治器治疗乳前反牙合 40例 ,每月加力一次。结果 该矫治器治愈反牙合所
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