
来源 :俄罗斯中亚东欧市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkai365
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乌兹别克斯坦独立后十分重视科技创新,并把其作为经济改革的一部分。乌兹别克斯坦科技创新的首要任务是对经济基础行业的技术和工艺设备进行更新,加快相关领域的现代化进程。乌总统卡里莫夫强调,在后危机时代只有奠定创新产业基础、深化创新科技改革,国家才能繁荣富强。他认为,生产的现代化、技术和工艺设备的更新离不开创新这一要素。 After its independence, Uzbekistan attached great importance to technological innovation and regarded it as a part of economic reform. Uzbekistan's top priority for technological innovation is to update the technology and process equipment in the economic-based industries and speed up the modernization in related fields. President Karimov stressed that in the post-crisis era, only by laying the foundation for an innovative industry and deepening innovation and technological reform can the country prosper and prosper. He believes that the modernization of production, the updating of technology and process equipment can not do without the element of innovation.
今天,爸爸从市场买回五只又大又肥的螃蟹,可把我乐坏了。螃蟹身上没有一处不是硬壳,就像古时候穿着盔甲的武士。螃蟹有五对脚,第一 Today, my father bought five large and
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In the forest there was a little rabbit.Every one hated him because he was always doing bad things.They all wanted to catch him. In the forest there was a litt
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