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一般说来,盖帽动作可以分为两种。一种是站在篮下等待对手投篮时做出封盖,另一种则是在被对手甩开一段距离之后(当然距离不能太远),在对手上篮的瞬间飞身封盖,前者一般由大前锋或中锋来完成,而且这种情况在场上居多,后者则是依靠出色的移动能力和判断力,再加上良好的弹跳来封盖对手,这种封盖多被小前锋使用。作为一名锋卫摇摆人,卡特经常能够很好地利用他出众的身体素质将对手的上篮扇飞,而他经常采用的就是后一种方式,虽然按照其具有的超强的活动能力和他的位置来分析,他在防守时所起的作用应以外围的封挡和紧逼为主,但卡特所做的要比这多很多。他从不放弃内线的防守,协防非常积极。我们经常看到卡特紧贴对手直至在篮下盖掉对手的上篮,当对手以为已经把他摆脱而准备上篮得分时,他就会发现在篮球和篮筐之间凭空多出一只巨掌。事实上,我们在球场上打球时,这种盖帽还是很少见的.毕竟没有几个人能够像卡特那样在空中将身体控制得如此完美,而且一旦使用不当,不仅容易对对手造成人身伤害(100多斤重的身躯砸到任何一个人身上都受不了),自己在落地时也容易挫伤脚踝,所以建议球迷朋友们要量力而行。 In general, the cap can be divided into two types. One is standing in the basket while waiting for opponents to make a shot when the cover, the other is after the opponent throw off a certain distance (of course, the distance can not be too far), the moment the opponent layup flying cover, the former generally Power forward or center to complete, and this situation in the field mostly, the latter is relying on the excellent mobility and ability to judge, coupled with a good bounce to cover the opponent, this cover is often used by small forward. As a swingman, Carter often can make good use of his superior physical qualities will opponents layup Fan, and he often used is the latter way, although in accordance with its superb activity and His position to analyze his role in defense should be based on the outer cover and pressing the main, but Carter did much more than this. He never gave up the defense inside, the defense is very positive. We often see Carter clinging to the opponent until the basket under the opponent’s basket cover, when the opponent that he has been ready to get rid of the layup, he would find the gap between basketball and the basket more than a giant Palm. In fact, when we play on the court, the shots are rare, and after all, few have been able to keep their bodies as perfectly controlled in the air as Carter did, and not only can they cause harm to their opponents when used improperly (100 Heavy body hit anybody who can not stand), he easily bruised ankle landing, it is proposed fans and friends to do what.
普通构造的键槽拉刀,不能保证得到高精度和高的 表面光洁度(只能得到4)。特别是加工软而韧的材料时,例如20号钢,就更难得到满意的光洁表面了。 为了获得比较高的表面光洁度,