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大连造船厂是一个拥有百年历史的企业。改革开放以来,“大船”坚持全心全意依靠工人阶级办企业的方针,面对国际造船业处于困境、国内市场萧条的状况,团结奋斗,锐意进取,走出了一条成功之路。1991年以来,“大船”的产值以每年20%的速度递增,实现了高速增长,并多次获得全国“思想政治工作优秀企业”称号,两个文明建设取得了丰硕的成果。今年6月10日,江泽民同志为“大船”百年题词:“面对世界,开拓前进,努力发展船舶工业。”“大船”的成功经验展示给我们深刻的启示:全心全意依靠工人阶级办企业,必须在充分认识工人阶级“主体”地位的基础上,采取有效措施,把工人 Dalian Shipyard is a century-old enterprise. Since the reform and opening up, the “big ship” has adhered to the principle of wholeheartedly relying on the working class to run enterprises. Faced with the dilemma of the international shipbuilding industry and the sluggish domestic market, the “big ship” has come out of a path of success through unity and forge ahead. Since 1991, the output value of the “big boat” has been increasing at an annual rate of 20%, achieving rapid growth and being repeatedly awarded the title of “Outstanding Enterprise in Ideological and Political Work” throughout the country. The two civilizations have achieved fruitful results. On June 10 this year, Comrade Jiang Zemin inspected the centenary of the “big ship” with the theme of “facing the world, making further progress and making great efforts to develop the shipbuilding industry.” The successful experience of “big ships” shows us a profound lesson: It is imperative to rely on the working class to run the enterprise wholeheartedly. On the basis of fully understanding the “subject” status of the working class, effective measures should be taken to bring workers
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