技术改造三级跳 一步更比一步高

来源 :客车技术与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dan0030
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0 前言 过去,江苏省扬州客车制造总厂是一个名不见经传的汽车修理厂。10多年来,在上级领导的关心和支持下,不断进行技术改造,旧貌换新颜,企业实现了三次飞跃,成为全国工艺新、品种多、质量优、规模大及效益好的客车制造专业厂,因此被评为国家级科技进步先进企业。回顾我厂的三次飞跃,每一次都离不开技术改造。 第一次飞跃是1980年转产客车的技术改造。当时正值第二汽车制造厂建成投产,我厂的5吨货车被迫下马,开始转产客车,将原有的货车生产线调整改造成客车生产线。当时,我厂的技术改造规模不大,只是为了适应客车生产作了很少的投入。即使如此,这次技术改造仍然为工厂的振兴立下了汗马功劳。那时开发的JT663型客车在性能和质量上已在国内领先一步,从而使我厂开始在国内客车行业崭露头角,跻身大客车生产专业厂14强之中,为后来成为国家客车行业“七五”限额以上技术改造的唯一厂家奠定了基础。 0 Foreword In the past, Yangzhou Bus Manufacturing Plant in Jiangsu Province was an unknown auto repair shop. Over the past 10 years, with the care and support of the leaders at higher levels, we have been making continuous technological innovations and replacing the old with new ones. The company has achieved three leaps and turns and has become a bus manufacturing specialty with new technology, varieties, excellent quality, large scale and good efficiency in the country Therefore, it has been appraised as a state-level scientific and technological progress advanced enterprise. Review the three leaps I plant, every time can not do without technological innovation. The first leap was the technological transformation of the converted passenger car in 1980. At the time when the second automobile factory was completed and put into production, the 5-ton truck of our factory was disarmed and the bus began to be converted to transform the existing truck production line into a bus production line. At that time, I plant a small scale of technological innovation, just to adapt to bus production made a small investment. Even so, this technological transformation has made a great contribution to the rejuvenation of the factory. At that time, the JT663 passenger car developed in the performance and quality has been one step ahead in the country, so that I plant began to emerge in the domestic passenger car industry among the top 14 professional bus manufacturing plant, and later became the national passenger car industry, “Seventh Five-Year” The above technical transformation of the only manufacturer laid the foundation.
这是位于安徽阜阳颍上县陈桥镇的一所杂技学校。炎炎夏日里,100多个来自山东、安徽、河南和江苏等地的大人和孩子,每天10个小时,揮汗如雨地训练。他们中年龄最小的只有4岁,最大的已经40多岁,他们有的是兄弟姐妹,有的则是举家前来学习杂技。他们在这里学习杂技,已经成为未来一种谋生手段,也因为这种训练,民间杂技得以传承。  四合院里的杂技学校  早晨4点,东方的天机刚刚露出一丝白光,一阵急促的铃声划破皖北
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