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烤烟育苗田的管理可分为三个阶段,每个阶段的管理特点有所不同.1.播种至拉十字期 烤烟育苗一般在3月中下旬播完种.播种后苗床上覆盖的塑料薄膜要封严.膜上要加盖草帘子或草苫子等防寒物.出苗前一般不再浇水,出苗后见土表面发干应浇水,小水勤浇保持床土湿润.拉十字时进行第一次疏苗,保持苗距1.5厘米左右,使幼苗分布均匀.疏苗后,对于较弱烟苗每床可用硫酸铵或硝酸铵150克加水25公斤,均匀施入.2.拉十字至4片真叶期 此期外界气温日渐增高,要防止白天高温烧苗及夜间低温冻苗.床内温度白天不宜超过28℃,夜间不低于15℃.白天如温度过高,可从苗床 Flue-cured tobacco seedling management can be divided into three stages, each stage of the management characteristics are different .1 sowing to pull the cross flue-cured tobacco seedlings generally sowing in late March planting seedbed after sowing on the plastic film to be Sealed on the film to be covered with straw curtain or grass chinense and other cold-proof material. Generally no longer watering before emergence, see the surface after emergence seedling should be watering, watering to keep the bed wet ground moisture. Sparse seedlings for the first time, to maintain the seedling distance of about 1.5 centimeters, the seedlings evenly distributed sparse seedlings, for the weak seedlings per bed available ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate 150 grams plus 25 kg of water, evenly applied .2 pull the cross to 4 true leaf period this time the outside temperature is increasing, to prevent high temperature during the day burning seedlings and low temperature frostbite at night.The bed temperature during the day should not exceed 28 ℃, night not less than 15 ℃ during the day as the temperature is too high, from the seedbed
  The solubilities of 4,4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in supercritical carbon dioxide were tested at temperatures from (313 to 353) K and pressures
一:夏剪时间:一般在枣头生长减缓时(6月上中旬)进行,过早,二次枝上枣股主芽萌发新枣头,影响座果,过晚营养生长加速,多头竞争,过多的消耗养分。 A: Summer cut time: Genera
低共熔溶剂法(Deep Eutectic Solvent,DES)是一种分离煤液化油和煤焦油中酚类化合物的有效方法,但低共熔溶剂的再生使用大量的有机溶剂.本文以苯酚和季铵盐形成的低共熔溶剂
本文对醇采用标准OPLS-AA力场,CO2采用EPM2模型,MD模拟了甲醇、乙醇、正丙醇和异丙醇在313.21 K和9.5~21 MPa下在超临界二氧化碳中的无限稀释扩散系数,并与实验值进行了比较.