
来源 :跨文化管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuwangyang
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笔者整理了中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)所收录的管理学来源期刊与扩展版期刊中关于跨文化管理的高水平学术论文,对时间跨度为十年的相关文献进行了系统的数据分析工作。笔者还对论文被引次数、关键词分析、相关研究学者、机构、基金、案例和跨境合作研究等文献影响力情况进行分析,同时考察了跨文化管理国内的研究现状,并基于统计结果,探讨近十年的跨文化管理研究的热点问题,以及目前的研究前沿和未来研究方向。 The author has compiled high-level academic papers on cross-cultural management in source and management periodicals cited in the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI), and conducted systematic data analysis on relevant documents over a ten-year period. The author also analyzes the influence of literature such as the number of citations, keyword analysis, relevant scholars, institutions, funds, cases and cross-border collaborative research. At the same time, the author reviews the current research status of cross-cultural management in China, and based on the statistical results, To explore the hot issues of cross-cultural management research in recent ten years, as well as the current research frontiers and future research directions.
目的 评价异环磷酰胺、阿霉素、顺铂联合方案治疗术后转移性胃平滑肌肉瘤的疗效、毒副反应。方法  16例患者中 ,男性 12例 ,女性 4例 ;年龄 3 2岁~ 78岁 ,中位年龄 5 8岁 ;
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