一刊在手 交通全有

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金秋十月,党的十六届三中全会做出了《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》,提出了“建设统一开放竞争有序的现代市场体系”的任务,这预示着中国的发展与改革将会进入一个新的历史阶段。 面对新的形势,我们必须做出新的选择,与时俱进,开拓创新,全面走向市场经济。这就需要分析市场,找准定位。 作为宏观经济类期刊,《综合运输》杂志的读者群主要集中在交通运输及相关领域。从交通运输领域来说,铁路、公路、水运、航空、管道等行业的经营者、管理者、研究者都构成本刊的读者对象。由于这五个运输行业分别属于多个部门管辖,中国的交通运输市场实际上处于条块分割的状态。这种状态造成各自为政、行业垄断和资源浪费,同时也造成各行业之间信息不对称。要填平“信息不对称”的鸿沟,就需要有综合性的 In the autumn of October, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee has made the “Decision on Some Issues Concerning the Perfection of the Socialist Market Economic System” and put forward the task of “building a unified, open and competitive modern market system with orderly competition,” which indicates that China The development and reform will enter a new historical stage. In the face of the new situation, we must make new choices, keep pace with the times, blaze new trails and move towards a market economy in an all-round way. This requires analysis of the market, identify the positioning. As a macroeconomic journal, the readership of Integrated Transportation magazine is mainly concentrated in transportation and related fields. From the field of transportation, operators, managers and researchers of railway, highway, waterway, aviation and pipeline industries all constitute the readers of this publication. Due to the fact that these five transport industries are under the jurisdiction of various departments, China’s transportation market is actually in a fragmented state. This state resulted in fragmentation, industry monopoly and waste of resources, but also resulted in information asymmetry between industries. To fill the “asymmetric information” gap, we need to have a comprehensive
杠柳(狭叶萝摩、羊奶条、臭槐、羊桃、羊角桃、羊交叶、北五加)为落叶缠绕灌木,属萝摩科。其根皮亦称香加皮,据药典所载:性味辛苦,微温,有毒;功用祛风湿、壮筋骨。 Parsley
研究表明极端温度可使宿主粪便排出的微小隐孢子虫卵囊丧失感染性,而对于在温带或热带常见温度的条件下,卵囊可能维持多长时间的感染性却知之甚少。 为确定微小隐孢子虫卵囊
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春夏秋季,气温升高,阴雨潮湿,是中药害虫和霉菌生长最适宜的条件。为防止中药霉变虫蛀,我们推行了几种简易的中药贮藏防虫防霉方法,适用于一些不宜烘烤、暴晒的中药, In sp
由瑞典鸟类摄影家、鸟类学者维克多·哈苏博士(1906~1978)创立的哈苏公司 ,已经走过了半个多世纪的征程。自从该公司1948年制造的第一架120单反相机1600F问世以来 ,哈苏公司已累计研制生产了7个系列31款
本研究应用杂种犬10只,随机分为两组,每组5只,使用ST Thomas心停跳液,实验组心停跳液内加入三七总皂甙(PNS)1000mg/L。通过犬体外循环模型,使心脏低温缺血停跳60分钟,观察两